
I had this problem for YEARS with Driver. Even contacted Gameloft over it. They don’t care. Hasn’t worked since iOS6.

I have this in a box in storage:

I’m pretty sure vibrating controllers began this movement that vibes don’t have to be penis like.

I wondered how long it would be before someone stole his parts for scrap.

Ok.. so what is this thing in my taskbar, that when I click it, says that Win10 is free? Is that wrong?

I’ve played emulated games, and this doesn’t excuse that it’s still a form of piracy. However, the only games I’ve emulated were NES/SNES/Genesis. My main reasons? 1) I don’t want to have to track down old games, and find, and maintain, old consoles. 2) I simply can’t afford collector’s prices for games I already

I haven’t purchased a CD since the 90’s. So much digital distribution, I just buy albums online if I want one.

This is mixed and augmented reality, not VR immersion.. you’re meant to see the outside world.

If the game remains exclusive, I won’t care about it. Part of the charm of some of these fighting games is that you can get them on everything, and thus more challengers to fight in the long run.

Beyond that, the guy says that it should be quadrotor helicopter.. so tell me how quadcopter isn’t a shortening of -that- ?

VLC is free.

I won’t object to an ad that runs before or after content. But once I’m subjected to a “commercial break” through a paid subscription service? I’m done.

Two things. In the past, it’s been said that the Empire’s energy based weapons are entirely laser based, or light energy. Federation shielding can 100% repel that. While the Federation’s phasers can shred through shielding that fends off light based attacks only. But, there is a counter balance to that. The Empire is

Never forget Phil Hartman. I loved News Radio

Here’s how we’ll know it’s the final one or not. If it actually answers the questions left unanswered in the lore from previous games, or if it just gives us more questions.

Tony is the Man at Arms. He just stepped away from AWEMe projects due to being too busy with actually being a blacksmith to continue with their projects.

How do we know it didn't already do so, and these videos are Freddy's attempt to lure more people to him?

Zero suit Samus is the only one I disagree with, and only for this reason: the Zero Suit is supposed to fit inside of the powered armor that she wears normally.

I don't think iOS 9 will outpace the 5th gen iPod touch unless they refresh that product line with a new release.

With the fact that a lot of old players have returned, or did return for WoD at least, and for the 10th anniversary stuff, a lot of players that are around, there are a lot of folks that DO know these guys.