Jeffrey Whitelaw

This show has gone completely off the rail in the best way possible.
My viewing went like "shit, is that Hitler?. Oh. That guy called him Fuhrer, sure is." It was a moment that feels very Garth Ennis. I like how this show feels very much like the source material while widely diverging from it. So far it's been way

No, there's a logic there, intelligent apes remember?
Plus, that film was set in the capitalist dream future we were promised but never got: where drunk and rich and every stupid idea is actually brilliant. Well, at least until apes take over the planet, but if you've seen battle even that turned out OK.
Maybe the

My ranking:

I look to AV for their shit talking on games everyone else loves.

I've been a fan since 2002, and I was the same way. SG is almost up there with Black Sheep Boy and Don't fAll in Love. Away is mostly just good ideas, but this song is incredible.

Sweet Jesus, there's also a south park game coming. But really all I want is no no mini 2, though i can't stop playing ffxiv and that has an expansion coming too..

Whenever celebration rock came out was the year I was over japandroids, and I saw them twice after post/nothing.

No, that was ladies and gentlemen we are floating in space, but since that, yeah.

Listen to it under the influence of LSD, it is maybe the greatest acid album since the white album.

Bitching about Star Power being a mess is kind of like bitching about water being wet. That's the whole point.

I just resubbed to Final Fantasy XIV so likely that, even though I have other games I need to get to. It can be an enormous time suck, which is both good n bad.

So does your goddamn car.

I mean, I'm a nihilist anyways, this will work.

Yez I've been playing LO as well. I bought it four or five months ago, actually bought a 360 for it. It is everything I want it to be.
I love XV, but I'm only on chapter 5. I've been playing it sparingly, doing the side quests, praying for patches to drop before I get to chapter 13.

Thanks now I'm watching the midnight oil MTV unplugged. Blue sky mining never sounded so good. Well, maybe it did.

Cindy is a bit annoying, but she's growing on me, n for fuck's sake it's a Japanese game.

Mr Slave should have bumped this up to at least a b.

I see what you did there

Why is there no mobile

Mac n Cheetos were great, but they're sold out at my local Burger King. I'm kind of upset about that.