Jeffrey Whitelaw

I've been waiting for the woman made of meat all this season. We didn't get it, but this was a nice consolation prize, and made me very happy.

Other than Tulip being pretty much nothing like she was in the comics, this is great. Color me surprised, but incredibly happy.

Oi! AV is deleting comments! What the fuck!

I've read through the entire series at least half a dozen times since I was 18 (I'm 34 now) and it is my favorite thing ever written. I remember every word. They didn't fuck up the first episode, I had made peace with the fact that they were changing so much. The spirit is there.
We should have Preacher for Experts

Transmet actually ended pretty well, Spider surviving the illness, and back on the mountain.

Saved has a song called Covenant Woman

The new Beyonce is only music I've listened to since Thursday that isn't Prince. We're in good hands with Kanye and Beyonce.

Every time someone drops an exclusive album on Tidal I create a new Gmail account so I can get another 30 day trial.

Dude, Warrior was a special kind of awesome. I'm dying for a follow up.

I'm playing Xenogears on my Vita, aka the PS Classics machine

I was too young to see 'em in the '90's, but I saw them on their reunion tour, and holy shit they were still powerful. My entry point was Shot when I was 19 in 2000, I loved it until I heard Goat

Man, I keep hoping I'll l love another Frightened Rabbit album as much as I did The Midnight Organ Fight. Everything they've done since has been good, but it's also been, I dunno, too polished? Lacking in the same raw, kinetic energy maybe.

A fucking chair! That was great!

Also, it was Loverboy who said that.

Nah that was a PSA, people forget these things.

Pig and elephant DNA just won't splice.

Probably something involving Fraiser being a kind of sequel as well.

i pirated it as soon as it went off Netflix

i watched the Black Jepordy sketch with a couple black women.. who actually got a couple of the questions right.

This show is not about the mother. It has never been about the mother. If she's the only reason youre watching the show youre missing the point.