
A lie of omission is still a lie. 

Prep is 99% effective, (Pep about 80%), it can stop working, it can cause health issues, and if you don’t take it properly, it becomes less effective.

I’ve said it. Clean shaven, Momoa is exactly what a live action Namor should look like and can manifest his alpha male arrogance and anger easily.  Momoa’s only weakness might be Namor’s aristocratic elocution.

You’ll never find me on the side of “the CIA definitely didn’t do it” in any scenario, but that podcast had some serious problems.

Wind of Change was definitely overhyped. I enjoyed the history, but the lack of resolution made it feel very anticlimactic.

Yes for sure, sorry I didn’t meant to imply that divorce and splitting of assets and all of that is a quick exercise - I am of a certain age and have many friends who have split or are in the process of doing so and it’s painful to even watch.

Those scientists need to do their own research! Then their eyes will be opened.

My paranoia is that I don’t trust big pharma or their record of putting out drugs and procedures that have proven dangerous to human consumption and this is after years of trails. Now we have several companies trying to get their lottery ticket to market first, using mRNA and being pushed to market after a few months

The vaccine stunts in the hunt for Bin Laden rank up there with our biggest shames in the “war on terror”. They probably did more to harm public health efforts in that region than we will ever know.

I gotta imagine that courtesy and patience for your next door neighbor isnt bottomless. Any noise up there along the lines of “enough is enough?”

I feel like this scenario has not been acknowledged enough—what would all the secrets in his smooth brain be worth to Russia or Saudi Arabia? Enough to pay off $500M-$1 billion worth of debt? I keep hoping (probably naively so) that he does that one thing that is so injurious to the country that even the cultists

I honestly don’t think this is going to convince people of anything different than what they already believe. If there’s one thing this soon-to-be-former administration has demonstrated, it is that their base wouldn’t give a shit if they murdered someone on live tv.

The people who know Giuliani is a scummy sentient

Yeah. I thought my opinion of him was obvious considering I variously called him terrible and stupid and self-involved and blinkered.

Maybe I’m the outlier here, but I thought “Sports Bra” was only OK yet will defend to my dying day the superiority of “Electric Sports Bra”.


Sit on it, Chachi!

Max is just a mean junkyard dog who wanders in and out of other people’s stories.

Welll yeah as teenagers we didn’t know about music history, only that EVH was a guitar god that everyone wanted to emulate. It’s like saying Larry Graham showed us how to slap and pop on the bass. Nowadays I know upright bassists have been doing it for decades, but Larry started it for the electric bass guitar.