
Maybe it's just me, but comparing a group of individuals often persecuted for their race to KKK members seems wildly inappropriate.

As a left-leaning feminist Muslim who comes from a whole family of left-leaning and feminist Muslims, I take umbrage with this statement.

Is this the right place to ask for that link to the Google Drive with all the Jeopardies in it?

But will there be TV Club coverage of this show?

He's much more of a Boq-type imo.


Wait, can we talk about Little Buddha? What the fuck?

But the point is that Harry isn't intrinsically a "chosen one". The universe didn't choose him — Voldemort did. The only reason Harry has to be the one to fight Voldemort is that Voldemort won't rest until he's fought (and killed) Harry.

Barb is the Demogorgon of Season 2.

One of the prisoners slipped Bellamy a note saying that they were going to be moved the next day. They didn't have time to go back for the prisoners.

This is a great point. Reminds me of this exchange from 2x14:

Also, for anyone less than a complete disaster, there's the risk that Trump might nominate someone worse if his original nomination doesn't work out (he is exactly that petty).

Gustin was excellent as a really slimy character on Glee. He could definitely pull it off.

Nah, I don't think that squares with the character as we know him from Season 1. No way that Kane has an (illicit? i'm assuming Ark babies are only allowed through marriage because of the one-child rule) with Bellamy's mother and then just leaves the child.

Controversial addendum:

I think it's more that he's saying "the blacks", as a noun, rather than "Black people", where personhood is placed front and center. You're right in that there are lots of Black people who don't identify with Africa, and in that case it's better to call people whatever they prefer to be called.

Exactly! If there's anyone who can relate to Bellamy and has successfully overcome his transgressions, it's Kane. Which also ties in nicely to the pseudo-father-son relationship they have going on.

If this is the show trying to get back to basics, I'm all for it.

Yeah I'm sorry, I don't have a witty retort today. Not for this man.

Yeah, this exactly. I have a really hard time getting friends into this show because I see so much of myself in Rebecca, and it's hard to hear people go on and on about how unlikable she is when we share so many flaws. Like, the entirety of the Tell Me I'm Okay, Patrick song hit way too close to home.