
Okay, no, there are actual reasons pertaining to the character arcs that those points are given. Ron's is for using chess skills to save the day, which ties both into his inferiority complex and the Mirror of Erised scene earlier. Hermione's is for "cool logic in the face of fire", which is something she develops over

I'm hoping that is the case, because it's ridiculous to leave that out for ~~character continuity~~ and then also make Archie/Ms. Grundy a thing and Moose into guys.

It's something along the lines of "I will love you until C. realizes S. is not worthy of his love". Nice to see that basically confirmed here.

I heard a while back that they were making Season 3 of Young Justice, so I wonder if that might affect this spinoff…

That's oddly sweet. In any iteration of Cisco and Wells, they have the best relationship.

What, they're not even going to put up a disclaimer that both the A.V. Club and the Onion are owned by Univision? Corrupt media indeed.

Haven't watched the episode yet and probably won't until tomorrow, but we just got confirmation that Darren Criss is going to be playing Music Meister in the Flash/Supergirl musical crossover! (So it's like a three-way Glee reunion…)

"I'm richer than Calvin Coolidge! PUT TOGETHER!"

As someone who read the books as a young kid, it's been great watching the show and going "oh, THAT'S where I know that from".

Heather is definitely a Ravenclaw. Probably with some latent Gryffindor tendencies.

For the record, Nathaniel is totally wrong about Ravenclaws. We tend to overthink things way too much to be Gryffindors.

Question: in the header image, why is the bottom right half of Melissa Benoist's hair weirdly blurred out?

Does that mean that Trevor is really in charge of the Bad Place, then? Because he was on the TV too.

bullshit fantasy novels that only I will ever know about, and the Greek pantheon usually gets involved somehow

And you've got to wonder just how much motivation matters (versus effects), anyways, because if Chidi can spend his entire life dedicated to the pursuit of ethics and still end up in the Bad Place because he hurt others, despite his motivations being pure, I don't know if that entirely squares from my point of view.

I'm really glad Spring Awakening was on here, because I can't think of any song that more accurately expresses how i'm feeling. Totally fucked indeed.

The depth with which this 22-minute network sitcom looked at ethics blows my mind. Hats off to Schur and co.

Fun fact: when people in Congressional offices get calls from constituents on issues, they have to tally them all up in a spreadsheet. And when those numbers add up and you're getting hundreds of calls, it really gets people's attention. In the office I worked in, there had to be statements drafted and released just

*standing ovation*
I think credit is owed to someone in the comments (can't remember who) who predicted this way back in the season!