
Stop being meta! Why do you always have to take whatever happens to us and shove it up its own ass?

I tried to upvote this, but I think it gave me magical downvoting powers and subtracted 5 stars. Sorry about that/fuck Kinja.

I listened to this song for about an hour last night, and even though it’s shockingly bad I cannot remember a single bar from it. Never thought we wouldn’t be able to count on Taylor Swift to at least write a catchy hook.

Well, I think James Cameron is bad for movies.

Which is weird considering that commenting activity most likely increases clicks...

Oh it worked! Nice. (The website is going to take some getting used to though. As of right now it is veeeeeery difficult to navigate.)

I claimed the account but nothing seems to have happened? Did it work? (this is a test)

Gawker? I hardly know her!

They'll just walk around it.

Yeah, I'm actually not a huge fan of this theory at all, not in the least because it absolves Tywin a little bit. But I can't help but feel like they've telegraphed it a bit (enough that if it does happen, there's at least something there to look back on).

Conspiracy theory time: The Hound gets turned into a walker beyond the Wall. They bring him back to King's Landing to show Cersei. They run into the Mountain while they're there.

"This is Gendry. He's got my back. I would advise not getting killed by him. His hammer traps the souls of its victims."

The giant dragon skull framing him in the background of his scene with Jaime felt like a bit of a tell.

Personally, I think Dany was a little too hard on him.

He kissed Lizzie McGuire once?

Yeah, it really backs up that this isn't so much fanservice we're seeing now as the culmination of 7 years of setting up characters and relationships. Seeing it all come together it just so satisfying.

“How many men do we have to fight the Night King? Ten thousand? Less?”

If he thinks it's such a dump, he's welcome to move out whenever he likes.

Their ruling was that "fuck" is permissible as long as it's not used in a sexual context — "suck" here is being used in that context, so it gets censored. Weird.

I saw it in 70mm and it was gorgeous. This is definitely a film that benefits from the added detail, I think.