
PLOT TWIST: We are all in the Bad Place right now.


Well, fuck you too.

"You two, get that body in the van and back to the ME for some TLC before it's DOA."

And even if there is a certain competency that we see in the organization early on, that has the potential to make the reveal of the Schism and its ramifications much more devastating.

I like the theory, but my only thing is how they could square that with the events of The Vile Village, because it doesn't really make sense to have Jacqueline mistaken for Count Olaf.

Talk about a free ride when you've already paid.

Be careful, you might tempt the wrath of Bo Bice.

Wait, I distinctly remember watching this as a little kid. Not sure it was in the theatre, though, because no way my mom would have sat through that — I think we might have had it on VHS?

Awww, likewise.

And this doesn't even get into the brunch menus. I could eat halwa poori all day long if it didn't result in rapid artery-clogging.

I am still INCREDIBLY MIFFED about The Social Network beating out How to Train Your Dragon for Best Score.

Because it's a fucking fantastic movie. It manages to handle the racial issues in a really clever and thoughtful way while still being a hell of a lot of fun. Also, Zac Efron was surprisingly great in it (I don't think he'll ever give a better performance) and Elijah Kelley is absolutely brilliant.

I don't know…I love that movie and McGregor in it, but I think it's hard to say he should have gotten a nod after his performance during Satine's death scene.

And South Asian women get the same sort of thing — we're exoticized when we fit certain Western standards of beauty (small facial features, light skin, straight hair) and looked on as unattractive otherwise.

That's where I know her from! It was driving me crazy.

Yeah, snark aside, this really sucks. I just got a little less interested in this (though I'm totally still going to watch it).

"And your address?"

That Olaf moment is all kinds of revolting. I actually don't think it's a good idea for them to go TOO scary with the character — if you take out the comedy, you just end up watching a deranged paedophile terrorize some children for eight hours. It's far more effective when the real menace comes out in smaller

Yeah, both of my sisters were very insistent that that was Jon Hamm. I couldn't convince them otherwise.