

Well, drunk is how we're going to have to live through the next four years of history.

I like to think that Snicket would get along well with JLU's The Question.

The last time I watched the film, I was quite young, so I don't entirely remember everything about it. But I didn't like it — I had already read the books, and the way they switched around the order of the plots made absolutely no sense.
You're right, the child actors in the film are probably a bit better, but I think

I'm a little wary of that too, but the rest of the show was so pitch-perfect that I have to believe that's not how they're going to end this.

I've got no idea about either of those two (though Wikipedia tells me Haggis was from London), but we've got Rachel McAdams, too.

Hey, I'm from London too, originally! We've got Ryan Gosling, though, which makes up for any Bieber anti-capital we could have accumulated.

Tso what?

Oh, Leo. Don't ask Fallon to hold your drink, you won't get it back.

Nice humblebrag, Damon.

True story: when they didn't show Donglover's face while calling out the nominees, I said to my sister, "Maybe he left because he probably isn't going to win," and then they called his name.

Yeah, but he was born in England.

Did she just say Dev Patel was born in Kenya or did I hear that wrong?

This. It's not going to convince you if you don't already like historical dramas, but if you do it's quite interesting. And Foy is really great.

The saving grace in this waaay too fast-paced ceremony is that we don't have to deal with all that much Fallon.

"Hidden Fences"?

She said anus the second time, which makes me think it was scripted. Also, I don't have that much faith in whoever wrote these jokes.

You get it??? It's funny because she's foreign, and she's not speaking English properly. Hilarious!!!!

Who said anything about stealth?

Why does Vince Vaughn sound like he's doing a bad Tom Hanks impression?