
This is why I rather go to .../r/Games/ now, to read about the things that people actually care about and also might be interesting to me.

They made the absolute right choice of not going down the path of Facebook and Youtube, getting political and blocking ideas that they don’t like. They will still remove games with forbidden content and capitalism will make sure that the good games rise to the top and be rewarded as they should, because people and

So Microsoft finally identified its main audience xD

I have one question that is not only to this article but everywhere over the internet. Why are people that use cheats called “hackers”everywhere nowadays? Is it because noone exactly knows how this is working anymore, or maybe because the term itself sounds more interesting? I think to prevent cheating and

I think this is the same as with Bloodborne, my character always looked different than in the character creator

Its missing Spellforce 3 7th of December on PC

OR you simply buy a second long HDMI cable and extend/clone your desktop

You actually have to play this game from beginning to end and dont have “pseudo gameplay” press and hold “w” moments, like in the new Tomb Raider games. However im wondering why this video is not being dmca claimed, when it literally is the full game in video format without any “content creators” voice or special

Also when having the game open and going into sleep mode, it takes really long.

Is 3 games like Netflix though? I have never used that.

I need a fourth option: “After playing enough Zelda, it catches dust on the cupboard, switched off”

A nice skin for a console that can’t even run a single SNES game yet.

Even after 1 billion hours in a game, you can still give your own opinion, even if its a negative one. People always seem to forget that those are subjective user reviews, that dont have be at all like neutral “journalist” reviews. Also some people seem to fanboy games so hard that they look at their games and

Its not that hard to buy and put on a simple screen protector (which you can buy separately or get with the switch bag). You should have that anyway for portable use ...

Okay that might be an issue for some games that were coded in a weird way. There were issues before with ports from console to pc, where the framerate could not be uncapped, because it would make the game run at a different speed. This should though only be an issue for very few games and probably those will be

You dont know what you are talking about. More fps wont make the games any faster, they will only make it look more fluent.

For me, someone playing match 3 games on a phone doesn’t really count as a “gamer” and they keep putting up these statistics which are weird. I would really like to see statistics where gamer is defined as “playing at least five hours a week on a pc or console” for example. I know women that play mostly League of

I already saw that it wouldn’t add up after the first days, when you wrote that it would be a piece of cake. Probably over 300 million pokemon were already caught, but the conservative players probably didn’t even know about the event or wanted to sign up.

Metroid II is on eshop for 3DS? Nintendo does know how to “preserve” products and even sell them again over and over. Probably thats why they shut it down, because it would hurt the sales of the 3 people that bought it this way.