
He might have taken sucking his dick as consent...

A rotten Banana should have beat Trump by 5 million votes. Hillary was a shit candiate no matter how much mental gymnastic you do to think otherwise.

Maybe they are worried about being called a racist by places like this. Saying this strong black women fell apart has old racil connotations bla bla deadapin.

I have not heard the Drummond thing. Boston was not offering the nets pick. Sactown can take a lot of shit and deserve it, but those are all sunk costs. From what I heard on the Lowe podcast no one wanted to top this offer, this was the best the kings could do.

Statistics are the only way you can look at large groups and make any judgments. I have yet to see any convincing numbers that systemic racism exisits on a large scale. I have an open mind i could be convinced otherwise.

Racism is why the desperity in inherated wealth exisits. I dont think anyone would deny that. Im simply pointing out that statisticly; a lower income white persons childern will have a similar life chances to that of an aferican american in the same postion not taking into account geography.

How much money your parents make is a better statstical indicator then race of how much you will make. We conflated race with privlage when money is the real indicator.

Like wade calling out his team for bad defense when he spends half the game walking up the court not getting back

Yeah the team is fucked up, it doesnt help that your star is an asshole. I watched pop at tims retirment. He thanked tim for letting him coach him saying if your star can take a few hits everyone else can shut up and fall in line

We are missing the point. sure we did badly with whites, but the black guy got a higher percentage of white votes than Hillary and got 10 million more votes 8 years ago. we did not turn out our base because we nominated someone our base was not excited about. don’t forget trump got less votes than Romney.

To bad our Hillary could only muster 10 million less votes then Obama 8 years ago. she certainly was the most electable person. glad we ignored her high unpopularity, active fbI investigation, and record low favotable numbers to put our finger on the scale to make sure she won because it was her turn.

Did you miss the part of her you know not winning....

Clearly a lot of people around here prefer to not engage and live in the dream world of Jill Stein or women haters or whatever else costing this election.

That black man who has record high approval ratings, the black man who got 10 million more votes in 2008, the black man who got 2% more of the white vote.

You mean like not making sure no else ran in the primary and gaming the primary to make sure she won?

So its all voter suppression? That is what you want to go with? And, you could due with a brush up on the term “gerrymandering” since it is not relevant to a Presidential election.

The answer to your question is simple. Yes. Hillary won the primary on the backs of older black voters and southern states.

Can’t face the fact that blame falls on Clinton the party and those that supported her.

She should go to jail for losing this election. Fuck her, and fuck everyone who voted for that robot, greedy corrupt shill in the primaries. This falls on her, the party that rigged it for her and you dummies that voted for her in the primary. Fuck you guys.

Could not agree with you more. everyone here is so desperate to blame anything other than the obvious.