
I guess Clinton getting 10 million less votes then that you know black guy 8 years ago had nothing to do with her shortcomings and the campaign she ran.

Take a look at the voting map. There are all kinds of supermajority white districts in Ohio and Penn like Macomb county that Obama won by 5% that Hillary lost by 29%. Did all those people become raciest and sexist in the last 4 years?

I know its all Burnie’s fault. Also, all the people hate women. It’s not Clinton or the party that cleared the way for her and put their finger on the scale for the fact that Hillary got 10 million less votes then Obama did 8 years ago.

Fuck off. The Clinton’s and the party who cleared the way for her and put their finger on the scale in the primary owe the world an apology. You put up a lemon that no one wanted to be president. She got 10 million less votes than Obama did in 2008. Take your share of the blame. Clinton is the problem here. The party

Maybe fuck this article. This country that is so bigoted and bla bla cast 10 million more votes for a black guy 8 years ago then Clinton. Wake the fuck up and look in the mirror. We put up an unpopular robot who was ambitions and greedy.

Maybe blame Clinton and the people who cleared the way for her and rigged the primary? Give Clinton every fucken vote Johnson and Stien got and she would have 5 million less votes then Obama got 8 years ago.

We do know one thing, it could not have gone worse. Would Sanders have won, know one knows.

What the fuck do you think lost the election? This thing called the rust belt maybe? Hillary lost white counties in Penn and Ohio that Obama won by 5% by upwards for 25 or 30%.

Give Hillary every vote Johnson and Stien got and she still got 5 million less votes than Obama got in 2008.

Yeah great stuff. Glad we put up Hillary. She did fantastic. Only got 10 million less votes than Obama did 8 years ago. Glad we had the wisdom to clear the way for her and rig the nomination.

I am really sick of this everyone is a bigot and women hater shit. Obama got 10 million more fucken votes than Hillary 8 years ago. Hillary lost white counties in Penn an Ohio that Obama won by 5% by upwards of 25%.

Really? All these bigots were happy to elect the black guy twice, and seem to pretty happy with the black guy at present. His approval rating is about the same as Ronald Regan as he leaves office. I am pretty sure we would have been pretty happy to elect the black guy for a third term.

I voted for Clinton so no. Your telling me everyone just turned into a bigot over the last 4 years. Clinton lost white districts that Obama won by 5% by over 30%. in Ohio.

Can’t agree with this more.

Really nothing to do with Clinton? come on she needs to be accountable for her share of this debacle. They cleared the way for her to win, and put their finger on the scale, and her supporters derided anyone who questioned her as a women hater or Burnie bro.

I think there is a lot of blame to go around. Fuck the Democrats for putting up Hillary Clinton. They cleared the way for her to run because it was her turn ensuring no good candidates emerged and put their finger on the scale when Sanders gave her a run.

Degree matters.

Must be hard work to find people being dickheads on twiter.

If they can pass the test sure, but if the test for women is less demanding that is a problem.