
As crazy and self-absorbed as he is, I think maybe Kanye has helped her be a little less of a navel-gazer.

I like Kim Kardashian a little more every day.

Yeah this is a Darwin awards in the making.

And, let’s be honest, we all kind of want to watch.

The center is hollow and filled with nougaty goodness. Mmmm. Nougat.

Great. Do it. Bye Felicia.

Oh he ded.

My stomach clenches when I see the title FLOTUS and it’s Melania. Michelle O will always be my FLOTUS!

They should but racism trumps everything. If that wasn’t true, there’s no way Putin’s lap dog would be in a the White House crapping on everything.

Shouldn’t the kind of red-blooded patriots who always drone about making America great again, be ashamed that an organization like Oxfam, designed to help developing nations in the third world, had to step in and keep Americans from dying on American soil under the watch of its own, indifferent government? Do they

On Friday night, San Juan mayor Carmen Cruz told CNN’s Jake Tapper that the death toll in Puerto Rico may be as high as 500, rather than the official count of 54. She reports that there have been 911 cremations in the past month after Hurricane Maria, which is about double the norm.

Yeah, but it’s...

Because he’s a little chicken-shit conservative, that’s why.

I’m just curious as to why the governor of Puerto Rico seems to be mostly silent about all this.

That statement is crazy. The Democratic Party can do what every they like. Any political party in the US is only truly accountable to their members for this type if thing. It wasn’t that long ago, that the nominee was chosen at a convention by secret ballot with the delegates. There were no primaries and you didn’t

And so colourful today. Is it just me, or does the “Fox Business Alert” graphic look like something out of the Pokemon Go app? (I’m trying very hard to distract myself from that fucking “Pocahontas” tweet. I just can’t deal with that level of vileness right now. In what fucked up version of reality does something like

Who uses Windows Vista?? What are you 85??

Bullshit! I’m a fucking 14 (out of 10)* and I sit in a windowless office all and look at spreadsheets all day.

I dream for a day we return to impartial journalism. Where news stations aren’t beholden to profit margins and when there is discussion it is done from a framework of arguments based on fact rather than argument based on emotion. Basically I wish that Sorkin’s dream for “The Newsroom” were actually a reality.

I don’t know what you expect them TO do instead. Mining this administration for comedy is just about the only action possible to take, since factual reporting about damning transgressions don’t accomplish anything either.