Festivus Yes! Bagels No!

Honestly aren’t there better things we can criticize him for?

Thank God we replaced him with someone who respects women.

Baseball is so far and away the best sport

He went 3 for 5 and the Indians scored 12 runs. Looks like Jobu has been replaced.

good job with the anti-crosby copy-and-paste response. now go watch the capitals. oh, wait...

“he’s a cheapshotting bitch who never stands up for himself”

This take disrespects the art of the shitty take.

You’ve never played hockey.

Think whatever you want, but there are few players in the league that take the abuse game in and game out that Crosby does and get no penalties for it. Case in point: three Senstors just holding him to the ice in their zone on Tuesday with a ref staring right at them and nothing. It’s pretty obvious that you’re

Disrespects his own skill, that’s good. I guess people think Crosby should be some kind of angel out there (like the Sedins, who are disrespected all over the league for it), or else he should be fighting guys with half his skill and taking years off his career.

this is exactly why I’ve never dated her.

The Yankees Are Struggling To Put Butts In Seats

Is it dirty or is it a “routine slash? You said both.

The irony of course is how much less convenient flying would be if it was nationalized/socialized. Flights would only be from one major city to another, during certain times, leaving and returning on certain days. “Oh, you want to take a long weekend and fly from Ft Wayne to Austin? Yeah you’ll actually have to fly

I feel like there are companies that are missing out on obvious opportunities with these patch advertisements.

Sitting on that has got to hurt your BACK BACK BACK.

Are you fucking kidding me? The sitting Vice-President of the United States didn’t have time to chat you up at a bookstore counter and you’re pissed? Not only that but you selectively remember his selection of history books to be pedestrian, despite the fact that you admit Cheney had been coming in for years and,

My first reaction to that story: Man that used to suck going to the bookstore to buy a book.

hillary clinton blew a 3-1 lead

But with the way that is set up in the B10, that is really only 1 reason. They only got to be conf champs because they had the head to head win. When you compare: