
Or at least request Wisconsin only be allowed to throw the ball against them.

Very helpful. Thanks!

Where do you find a wok that doesn't suck? I have had very little luck buying those things.

I admit to formerly being one of the "adults" that did not like mushrooms. I hated them as a kid and never wanted to give them a chance when I got older. Then a friend roasted some freshly foraged morels in butter, and the smell made me realize I was being an idiot. I have neither the ability nor the finances to

I don't have a dog in this fight, but I am really curious. How could a coach that has been gone for 7 years be responsible for their current suckitude?

The term feminism is not toxic to the mainstream media/population at large. Men's Right's is. So, no, my point does not apply to feminism. Feminism has crazies too, but they are not the face of the movement that the general public sees. The issue for you is the reaction "Men's Rights" elicits from the public. It

Honestly, MRAs (or the MRM) may not be homogeneous, but at this point the term Men's Rights is completely toxic. It may be through no fault of your own, but it's true. If you want to be taken seriously, you need to come up with new branding.

There is no way that Pam Bondi dresses as well as Marshall Langman. Or has nearly as amazing hair.

Where did you see the criticism based on blood quantum? That was only from OneWolf's response. The people criticizing him pointed out that he is not a member of a recognized tribe, nor was he raised in a tribal community. Those are perfectly legitimate standards, and the standards by which the community determines

Puig is 3-for-12 through three games of the NLDS,

They should have encouraged him to say it in front of recruiters. The legal profession isn't perfect, but most of the top firms have robust diversity programs. Saying that stuff might have made him popular with other asshole students, but would have put him on a lot of hiring partners' shit-lists.

How would you know they were watching soccer if they weren't holding a soccer ball in their hands?

That's such a horseshit argument. Almost all of the people angry about this couldn't care less about Michigan's football success. Hell, a significant portion of the angry people are fans of other B1G teams that love watching Michigan suck. And, you must have completely ignored the other times this type of thing has

medical and coaching staffs did not see the hit

Great article. I'm impressed by your ability to respond to their bullshit without going full-on flamethrower. Your tone was impressive and powerful.

The vaginal tightening thing wasn't even from a sexpert. It was from a Pilates instructor claiming that Pilates makes your vagina tighter. Great job finding a credible source there.

I love how there is nothing about Simmons' suspension on ESPN's main page, but there is an Ombudsman article with the lede "By flexing journalistic muscle on Ray Rice, ESPN enjoyed its finest hour during my tenure as ombudsman." Way to keep flexing that muscle ESPN.

I have never understood the reasoning behind charities returning "sullied" money. Keeping the money is not inherently an endorsement of the donor. Keep the money, put out a press release stating that the NFL's handling of domestic abuse is abhorrent, then use the money to do some good. Better the AWSM spends it

And the videos have already been pulled by NBC. Awesome.