
Nope. This has never happened before. The problem with young people is that they thing everything they experience is being experienced for the first time ever, you just don’t understand. (Please note, this is a rare case of me not criticizing Millenials. Every generation, including mine, goes through this. It’s called


I get it. The internet is one giant dick measuring contest where everyone tries to post something funny to generate +1's to stroke their ego, but a child was killed here so maybe stop thinking about yourself for two fucking seconds and have a little respect.

I say this as a gigantic, unapologetic Porsche fanboy: the seller can get stuffed.

Now playing

the only Front Engine Porsche story that matters

That guy invalidated his whole argument with the tequila comment. Go try some Don Julio 1942. That was fucking hilarious though.

In twenty years, I’m going to absolutely kill at the “Jalopnik Edition” of Trivial Pursuit. That will totally make up for the time I spend reading this stuff.

She works down at Wintergreen Zebra on the weekends. She told me she’s only dancing to put herself through law school and to help pay for her mom’s colitis treatment. She says that I’m different than all the other clients. As soon as I can scrape together the cash for a Maserati, we’re going to run off and start a

Those who saw Evans expose himself said that it was no big deal.

I guess punching a producer doesn’t seem so bad now, does it?

Kinda like Classical actors vs Method actors; some people consciously work on it in a technical manner to master it while some others approach it from an intuitive angle and attempt to master it by placing it in a part of the mind which doesn’t even require conscious thought, like breathing.

Moose Trained by Yutte Hermsgervordenbroti

Special Moose Effects Olaf Prot

Moose Costumes Siggi Churchill

Moose choerographed by Horst Prot III

Miss Taylor’s Mooses by Hengst Douglas-Home

Moose trained to mix concrete and sign complicated insurance forms by Jurgan Wigg

Mooses noses wiped by Bjorn Irkestom-Slater

Before you rant about someone else’s take on your passion, try replacing that item in your rant with something else completely arbitrary. Example below, using pizza.

Seriously, this country and it’s obsession with aggressively punishing the slightest percieved slight against the hallowed veterans.

I can’t stop laughing at the one guy with a “NI” banner.

+1 for The Rock reference

I watched the behind the scene clips of Top Gear and seen how hard the trio and crews works to make Top gear great.

Nobody wanted them new, and $700 Would be too much money now

that there photoshop up top is one of your finest yet jason