

I love this idea.

I’m wagering what upset him was the Neagan/Glenn/Lucille threesome. Okay that looks wrong writing it that way but it’s the least spoilery way to describe I can come up with.

You are twisted and I like you.

Hate Reagan all you want to, but driving the Soviets into bankruptcy worked. He won the Cold War without it ever going hot.

Ewwww I read that in his voice. I am literally nauseated right now.

I just died a little on the inside.

I lol’d at work you bastard!

“Listen, my jizz is amazing, it’s amazing, just the best. Let me tell you something, Ok? No one has better jizz than me, no one. It’s like incredible jizz, am I right?”

When I said Iw as tired of Johnny Depp and did not wish to see him in anything else, this isn’t what I meant!

I wish I could double-star this.

Why would the IRA take a Chinese fam hostage? Not enough MSG in boiled cabbage?

a new movie starring Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan.

That “hazmat mask” looks awful makeshift... Did she just cut up a 2-liter bottle and duct tape it a bit?

not a villain


So are they doing Private Investigators this season?

Even better if it includes a double tap execution of a Furry instead.

I think they answer this question on the last episode of the Expanse.

I thought it was because of these little guys?