
The fist bump-explosion with the Storm Trooper is insensitive to the people of Alderaan.

Cameltoes..... Cameltoes everywhere!

That IS Negan’s dick pic :)

Negans sends this instead of dick pics.

Good god! Lucille looks even nastier than in the comic! Bleaugh!!!

The Falcon was was also tethered by the top hatch to the frigate at the end of Empire

You use the hatch on top like when Lando saved Luke in ESB.

Proprietor of midgets, for me

I was raised by a pack of wolves. So there.

The R.S.S. Floating Environmental Evaluation Device.

A new life awaits you in the Off-World Colonies. The chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure. Lets go to the Colonies!

Cherry-picking, but this still looks like it’s from a low-budget episode of Dr. Who:

I always thought it was going to be a 1-2 punch. Maggie was going to get the bat and Glenn would get mowed down by gunfire trying to stop it.

love that movie, and i’ve been very afraid of space fires ever since

Points for the Sunshine header pic!

this looks more like a doctor who episode than star wars...

How I Met Your Mon-Mothma

Its All you Can eat , rib day at the Terminus Barbecue Grill !!