
Not to undermine the article, but a less costly, albeit shadier way, to get the newer features is jailbreaking. Of course, there's no guarantee that you will get something first, but you will get a lot more for no cost at all. Jailbreaking has been the way to get newer features up to a few years beforehand (choosing a

I don't think hybrid fuels are the way forward, as so many companies are touting.

@MaxPoint: It's called not giving a care.

@Xagest: If it's a solid soap, it is often not antibacterial. The nice ones, such as those from Lush, aren't.

@Benedinho: I suppose, but it won't be so bad, since those germs will be washed off of your hands when you rub the soap on them, rather than staying on your hands from the soap.

I think this is fantastic! I like a bar of soap, but I'm aware that they do tend to harbour germs when used repeatedly. This completely solves the problem. And is no doubt cheaper than a liquid soap dispenser. What a fantastic idea!

Happy now?

@Scenick: Shoes. They'd hurt.

@Scenick: I've decided. The LEGO version is about 400 times better.

If, for example, I'm meeting a friend who is often late, I will tell them to meet at 2:50, knowing they will be late and I can turn up at 3:00. I need to do this to varying levels, depending on by how much someone is late.

I know this isn't the point of it, but surely attaching some sort of projectile weapon (not necessarily a gun) to it, to use as a form of temporarily blinding and physically stopping them.

I'd reserved judgement on it up until now, but I really like this. It's an attractive device with what looks like a very slick interface. I'm interested now.

@gary_7vn: I was once at a person's house and they still had the protector and stickers with the features... on their TV. Their TV. THEIR TV.

@gary_7vn: BlackBerry PlayBook? That's going to be 4G, too.

@Ken O'Connell: We'll just throw lots and lots of money at the problem.

This is certainly the epitome of naff. The antithesis of good taste.

I made a ferret-shaped one. I'm single, ladies. *wink*