I did not mean to say that WP7 wouldn't be any good. WP7 is just as good as Android.
I did not mean to say that WP7 wouldn't be any good. WP7 is just as good as Android.
Nope, that was a genuine accident.
I know this has been said a dozen times in the past, but it's still true; opening up to Android would be the ideal solution.
I try to not think about what I'm doing and I usually make very few mistakes. I'll always scan over what I've written after doing so just t oensure that my grammar and spelling is spot on. I tend to make more mistakes on computers other than my own due to every keyboard being a little different.
This is the sort of man that would be considered a danger to the world. Not because he has 'ninja skills', but because he is clearly insane.
@jackvinyl: 7th form does not exist.
Here's a little story about vending machines:
@Affan K: Because Bluetooth is his own man.
@Jakooboo speaks Galactic Basic: You don't want to, yet you do anyway.
@Hearthatvoiceagain says Get well soon Steve.: So much more to look forward to! :3
@Hearthatvoiceagain says Get well soon Steve.: The place where men regress into boys.
Blood and Semen: for people who are ready for it. Every day of the month.
@Hearthatvoiceagain says Get well soon Steve.: Only because of Nemi. And the exploitability of the headlines. In the sixth form common room, we love to make things like this in the mornings.
Explaining London newspapers to the rest of the world:
@JakeMG: Don't Panic: I started using Spotify when it was in the first beta before anybody could join and I don't like it for many reasons.
@JakeMG: Don't Panic: It's on Android, iPhone, Nokia. Bloody everything.
Just to say, I've been using ProSwitcher on my jailbroken iPod for nearly a year now, and offers the exact same interface for... wait for it... FREE!
@YourSaltyPinkDeathNuts: Because he bought Jason Chen a bunny rabbit.
It would be very funny if, despite the blinding truth that this is all utter shit, some people decide to completely change their personality and lifestyle because there is a change in what star sign they are.
I had this by my computer for a while and was great for when I didn't even have time to get up and stretch.