
Hooray, I get to go out with pretentious girls whose music collections consist of old emo, modern ska and Scottish music. Lots of Scottish music.

@matttrick: Please don't be so childish. You don't end up as starred commenter by being rude and arrogant. Try to be more constructive and open when talking. If you have nothing better to do than insult somebody you don't know, please do it elsewhere. But to answer your points...

@matttrick: I'm very pleased that you managed to pull together the awe-inspiring power of your brain to write something so profound.

@randomher0: They arrested him for rape, not the cables. They're trialling him for rape not the cables. I don't quite get what you're trying to imply.

@Yuno: I burned that faceless corporation real good. They'll really feel the pain.

@bobhubba: I think he should certainly be punished for orchestrating it all with his site, but I know that his followers will just continue what they're doing.

@bobhubba: I feel the exact same way. I know this is just an excuse to have him arrested, but they should do it anyway. It's possible that he's done a terrible thing to international relations between many countries, but they can only arrest him for rape. That said, if he is a rapist, which is disputable, at least

If I have, it'll be where all the other Apple emails are; in my spam folder. That'll teach them for making it so convoluted to unsubscribe fully.

@Novaload: I'm quite certain it's 'I dinnae knoo yoo waren't a loocal boy! Ya cannae be sirious tha yoo nevar seen mae bafor! I gonnae kill yoo, ya wee bassa!'

@Thomas Hiles: It isn't if you know when something is on regularly.

@Allan West: I think the problem is that a lot of programming (House, CSI, etc.) is shown in the US and on Hulu up to a year before it is in the UK, so our companies will be losing out.

I'm British and, despite having access to iPlayer for so long, I can't think of a single time I've used it. I've used Five's player numerous times, but there's absolutely nothing on iPlayer that appeals to me. Maybe because I record anything I want to watch on a DVR, then watch it back when I want. the only BBC

I'm racking my brains for a Memento joke, but I've forgotten them all.

@rls13_5: I'm not sure how true that is, but it's definitely a clever idea.

@Duuncan: My mistake, it just seemed weird to do that for no reason. Thanks for that. :3

I'd think it was planted there, or he himself works for Motorola. He just happened to know that holding volume and power down at the same time would boot it up?

Yay. Mine was included.

These tires do not tire. You missed a great pun opportunity.