
@L-dizzle: Maybe an amicable break-up shows there wasn't a real relationship in the first place. I'd rather feel heart-broken, but know what I felt was real, rather than look back and know it was just a false attraction.

@Bjork erupts: I'm sure the parents would rather stick it out, too. But sometimes it's just better to call it a day.

@L-dizzle: I haven't, no. *blushes* Did I completely miss the mark?

@American as Apple Pie: If things aren't great, they will only get worse, no? Rather than sticking together if it only causes upset, couples should part ways as soon as possible. Maybe, that way, they can reamain happy and not wince at each other's names.

It's always sad to see marriages fall apart, and even worse to see that couples are forced to stay together for any reason.

@OMG! Mike Zuniga!: I'm sure many people who don't play games (like myself) unless they are with friends will find this irritating. I don't look for a letter when you are told to press a button in games; I look for the colour that's on the screen on the controller. Granted, a serious player would know the position of

@philselmer: I was thinking Nexus One^2, but that would still equal 1. Also, it would be like Symbian OSes.

Is it me, or does 'Nexus Two' sound like a sub-par phone. 'Nexus One' sounded like the pinnacle of phones, but the Nexus Two sounds like second best.

I had a feeling that it was going to take a long time after it went through 6 betas with no real signs of a near-ready release. I'm not complaining; there's no reason for me to switch from Firefox to another browser any time soon, especially since 3.6 is perfectly good.

@Ian Logsdon: Did anyone think anything other than it creating a universe destroying paradox?

It sounds very childish; he only wanted Bungie because he couldn't any more.

My uncle told me a story once about a friend of his who loved chewing gum. He was a builder, and a small one at that, so his workmates would pick him up, turn him upside down and take his chewing gum.

I don't understand why, other than allergy reasons, you'd be using the blood in place of eggs. That's going from a vegan idea to an omnivore meal.

Bill: If the kids want iPods, why can't we let them have them? We're billionaires!

@Steven Ansell: While I agree with you, either is apparently fine.

@Vitto #9: Aaaaaaaaand I completely agree with you. *wink*