
Developers don't put things like this on the market in order to make us buy more.

Are they sure they didn't accidentally send it to Saturn?

@themightyspitz: Oh lord.. his face and his hair have made my day.

The second picture looks like they're punching someone.

This is possibly the funniest article I've read here. Your metaphors and sardonic tone would give Charlie Brooker a run for his money.

I've just realised; the thing in the picture looks like a bit of a clockwork key.

This level of technological advancement is quite scary. It may seem great to be able to do something differently if it is a good thing, or doesn't make any difference. But I can imagine how it could be used malevolently, such as to not quite control people, but heavily influence their decisions.

Maybe, one day, companies will be less clumsy to leaks (particularly Apple) and release software that only applies to current versions and update when there is a new version. That would stop people from speculating and, normally, being disappointed when the 'new' release is no better.

I can foresee many people complaining about the sheer number of options confusing them, but a chart like this really helps people decide.

@Metro Charts: It was taken away, so I'm being on my bset behaviour to earn it back. :3

Wood really is a great material for anything. It makes anything feel solidly and well made while, at the same time, making it see mso much more precious and fragile to hold.

This makes me think of Minority Report, for some reason.

The counter-argument to whether he should have his presence removed is that this would be seen as censoring the internet and altering history, something that, though it may provide some fairness, will anger many.

It's sad to see how relations have become so petty that countries are accusing each other of creating viruses to shut each other down. While I'm sure the US government are pleased to see this happening, surely, just because somebody dislikes you and something bad happens to you, we can't all jump to the conclusion

Wales is possibly one of the best places for photography, due to the wildly varying landscapes, cityscapes and quaint villages.

All the golf gloves in the world can't stop me from whacking bits of the ground into the air.

I find it surprising to hear that terrorists are now opting for the internet in order to recruit and organise etc., as I have always imagined the internet being far more open and less private than telephones.

@Dallifornia: Maybe they're the best vent designs possible?