'The great thing about the 360 isn’t beating off into the machine, it’s showing everyone online that I did.'
'The great thing about the 360 isn’t beating off into the machine, it’s showing everyone online that I did.'
Somebody posted in #tips earlier about using the negative end of a battery as a stylus, as it works extremely well.
@fughedaboudit: Hence the phrase 'no sugar in a normal person', since being diabetic causes sugar to be present in the urine, which is abnormal.
@ragniblov: Urine contains no sugar in a normal person. Irn Bru contains a shit-ton.
This reminds me of the time I put loads of yeast (while we were studying fermenting of sugars in biology) into a bottle of Irn Bru I had in my locker (I kept a 2L bottle at all times) to see if I would get Irn Bru wine.
This is actaully really good value for what you get.
@Nitemancometh: Dammit, raccoon!
@Nitemancometh: I call them 'human food I am not allowed'.
@Nitemancometh: It must be a different name in the US to in the UK. Do you mean fig rolls?
@Nitemancometh: What the hell are Fig Newtons?
For everyone complaining of no video.
I'm sure this arrogant and childish a statement will do nothing but speed up his departure.
@BoscoH: To quote Bear Grylls:
I use Firefox and have tried every other browser many times. IE9 looks promising, but nothing Firefox isn't better than. Firefox 4 betas are currently showing good improvement constantly. I tried Chrome numerous times, but have found it to be a watered-down Firefox Opera (with Turbo enabled) is good as a fast browser…
@Deor: LSD screen?
@Zaixionito: Fridges keep things cool by producing heat.
@stavosws6: Exactly! Look how the scanner is open and is scanning 3 photos while only printing one of them.
If one appliance goes wrong, the whole thing goes wrong. And when you combine 3 things, something will go wrong.
@LeRon Blastoff Garnett: Fridges work by making heat. I'm not sure how, but I've been told this many times.
In my day, an exposed ankle was more than enough.