Jean Ferretti


Doesn't seem entirely unreasonable - he was talking about their next gig at the Detroit show, making vacation plans. I'm no expert (though I play one in comment sections), but generally people feeling suicidal don't make plans as they can't see past the moment, unless it's envisioning a future filled with pain. I

Thank you for this, Shulkie - things like this is why you're a super hero. Or just look like one (without infringing on any copyrights, of course).

If this is actually a thing, Bill-O should shut his trap before we turn our attention towards him.

During the election, I was begging for some respectable journalist to ask her whether she was lying about tRUMP when Cruz was paying her, or lying about him when she was on tRUMP's payroll. I bet even her children refer to her as #Liar4Hire.

The point is, it wasn't our intel to share. Without explicit permission from the ally who shared that info with us, tRUMP had no right to go blabbing.

Calm down.

This is missing the context. tRUMP's original tweet had used "Council" and after about 2 hrs it was fixed to "Counsel". The correction came after the first tweet. As this is written, it makes no sense…Bad Job, Clayton!

I miss Colin Salmon Ladder.

The Beatles "If I Fell"…I would say I sing the song at least once a day when I'm puttering around the house. Why? Who knows? No really, does anybody know 'cause I'm at a total loss.

I refuse to believe that polite society does not want to see/hear/smell my bodily functions. Pull my finger.

Seriously, how am I supposed to find things if they don't put them in the right spot. And trust me, you want your boners put in exactly the right spot…giggity

I would rather clean my cats' litter box with my bare hands than watch this. Real shit is insulted by your comparison, A.V. Club!

Now if someone would just set it to Depeche Mode and make a gif…

When she was pacing in the bedroom - backwards! - I lost it. That and barbecue seeming flippant. I'd love to see a writing nomination come Emmy time.

Not bad enough there'll only be one Sesame Street character, no need to traumatize the children, too.

"…has to…"? Don't you mean "gets to"?

I may actually have yelled "Amen, sister!" at my tv when she said this.

I just figured she had a name like Wilhelmina or something and it's a nickname. I'd rather be Bill myself, if that were the case.

Gay people and women who aren't his wife/mother or his mother/mother.