Jean Ferretti

Counterpoint: More big budget musicals. 

I don’t see any reason that Robert Wise should be the only director who ever gets a shot at adapting West Side Story.

Far as I’m concerned the 1606 Globe Theatre performance of “Macbeth” is the definitive version and anything else is a superfluous waste of time.

I can’t ignore the universal praise.

I like a lot of pre-code movies, but there are a few that move at a very awkward pace or where the humor just falls flat for me. Some of this is just cultural difference, of course, but it also seems like that early on not everyone had really figured out how to do talkies yet. I haven’t seen any pre-code Lubitsch, as

I saw this in college with friends, had no idea what it was going in and I will never forget how horrified and baffled I was when the entire theater cheered at Harold’s first suicide performance. A very fond memory.

Design for Living ends with them agreeing to live as a threesome. Pre-code Hollywood was a different world.

Antifa love story perfection.”

When Harold tries to get Maude to stay by pleading that he loves her, she simply responds, “Oh Harold, that’s wonderful. Go and love some more.”

I would be remiss in my duty, if I did not tell you, that the idea of... intercourse - the fact of his firm, young... body... commingling with the... withered flesh... sagging breasts... and flabby b-b-buttocks... makes me want... to vomit.

I think I'm gettin' the vapors... 

Not this interview but in another interview this week he said his Mando voice is basically is his bedroom voice and now watching The Mandalorian is a completely different experience...

You’re under arrest, sugar.

Now playing

Well if anyone ever wants to reboot “Get Christy Love!” She’s got the ‘fro.

In a VAN down by the RIVER?

They’re going to need to back this up by showing her doing exactly that during the first episode. Otherwise, they got my hopes up for nothing.

Today Ryan lives in her van with her plant.

He should’ve won one for ‘How Far I’ll Go’ in ‘Moana’, but that awful fucking piece of shit ‘City of Stars’ won for ‘La La Land’. I fucking hate that song. That whole movie would’ve been better if it wasn’t marred by that beige turd.

It was confusingly shot, but it also felt appropriate for a desperate but tired old man fight.

It's just a lot of Baby going "*mawp, mawp*" while holding one finger up to shush everyone around him.