Jean Ferretti

I believe it's always been considered a family show in the UK.

Pretty sure the plungers are reversible.

Yeah, especially the first season when they were figuring out how to be 'adult' without being ridiculous about it. I mean 'sex alien'? Cyber woman in a metal bikini? Season 2 was much much better.

Nope! Season 4, Donna was the Doctor's best friend. No will they or won't they bs, just besties, and it was brilliant!

"Captain Jack Harkness" was one of the most beautiful episodes of television I've ever seen. I believe it won an award (Saturn?) for Catherine Tregenna's screenplay.

Pretty sure our cranky baby friend is referring to "Utopia", where Jack hitches a unwelcome ride to the end of the universe.

Don't forget, she was also holding it at the graveyard.

The one that Rachel Maddow's partner saw her looking at from across the room and teased her about looking at porn? As Rachel put it "calling Georgia O'Keefe".

I actually compare tRUMP to George III in that I think someone should be checking the color of his urine…something is physically wrong with this man!

I'm so sorry for your loss. Gulliver sounds like an amazing pup, and you were very lucky to have each other. When you're ready, another pup will be lucky to have you.

On the plus side, he has stopped smoking.

Forensic Specialist: I found two semen samples in the bedroom.

What else are we going to do with all that time?

I felt like she was channeling Edward G. Robinson when she was breaking down the heist. Not certain it was a conscious decision, or my ears, but it worked for me.

That's where I recognized him from! Thanks! (And, yes, IMDB is my friend, but, now, so are you!)

Like the McEmails & McBengazi, the McTrump is a nothing burger - humongous buns and tiny shriveled pickle.

First Amendment protects journalists from prosecution for publishing information they are given if they didn't solicit it. David Cay Johnston and Rachel did nothing wrong.

They had the statement ready because she sent the WH the forms to verify if they were real. Nothing they said in their statement wasn't on the forms themselves.

You all seem to have watched a completely different broadcast then I did. By promoing the returns, Rachel knew she would get a lot of new or casual viewers to tune in. The 'bloviating' was explaining WHY getting the returns are so important. She has been connecting these dots for awhile now, and it is not some

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