Jean Ferretti

I think I love you. That is my favorite ep of TNG and one of my all-time fave eps of any TV show!

Do you think Arthur Darville called Matt Smith and said "I got to snog my ship, too!" ?

He and Anya jousting in wheel chairs was probably the most fun of anything in Season 7!

That was him trying to signal for help on an incoming 'call'.

What made that line sing for me was Amos saying she was like a sister to him, then following it with the 'don't get me wrong' bit. Amos is a pragmatist, Holden is a romantic.

I remember him saying he left all his data with his wife, so at least she could re-create his experiment.

Apparently, even tough Price won by something like 70%, tRUMP barely beat HRC in the district. There's hope. Especially if they have nothing good to say about his opponent, and this is the worst they could say about "Han".

She makes me ashamed to be a female…even sharing a species with her makes me want to take a shower.

That was the paragraph that let my caffeine-deprived brain know this was an O'Neal Newswire. My favorite though is by Charlie Pierce who always refers to him as "Zombie-eyed granny starver Paul Ryan…" . I'm at the point where that's pretty much become his actual name in my head.

That reporter's face says it all - he smells as rank as his politics.

I agree! Just to be safe, take the whole month of May off and go to Tahiti or something. Yeesh, an actual war zone would be safer than Star City in May.

This! Johnson & Holden were seriously considering letting Dresden continue his work. There was no way Miller was going to allow that to happen. So glad to see these reviews for one of my favorite shows.

I've never encountered this at my local Gamestop. The folks are super friendly and helpful, even searching for the two month's old copy of their mag that had the Andromeda cover story for me. They've never not had anything I was looking for, and have gone out of their way to turn me on to games that fit my particular

Yes, I noticed a serious disconnect with the younger generation when it came to explaining Prince's importance to music because they were seriously underexposed to his music. *commences old person fondling of cardboard record covers featuring partially clothed Prince*

Disappointing lack of moves, I give it a 3.2

How about to 1/30/33? We're at the beginning…


This is where I'm at, and it's troubling, but giggle-inducing as well. I've decided that people can be more than one thing, should be more than one thing. So, officially, I'm opposed to violence, but some people just kind of need to be punched. Sue me.

Now, that's just cool!!!

Not my fault…you dip them in dark chocolate, you're just asking for it!