Jean Ferretti

Catherine Deneuve would beg to differ.

Upvoted for mentioning one of my fave movies.

Ohhhhhh! Wow, that movie was much better than I thought it was. Thanks, anxie!

Those were the Middle East grounds, totally different.

Don't forget the sexy vampires!

Half Demi Moore? Or was that the gorgon half?

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Spawn of the devil, away with ye! #VoteBlue

But how will I make my 2017 SCOTUS Calendar without new pics? *waves fist* damn you GOP!!!

That was a remarkably short, yet relevant story. Good job!

Okay…time to share - when you first saw this picture did you think the coke was going to ruin the burrito or that the burrito was f*cking up the coke?

I was just stretching, don't call on me!

Well, given that I recently started using twitter to vent my endless snark regarding the election, I imagine it will die soon. Everything I touch goes to shit. (Sorry in advance, AV Club.)

Well, she got my vote cheap. Once she had her planted Trump spokesperson promise taco trucks on every street corner if she won, I was in.

I'm still working under my completely uneducated, but still narrative-fitting theory: Donald Trump lost his own personal Vietnam (ie fighting off STDs as said on the Howard Stern Show), and is suffering from a decades-long untreated case of Syphilis. It fits with his behavior and it supplies just the right amount of

I threw up in my mouth the other night when some idiot reporter asked Jr. if he was thinking of running for political office himself. I went to my happy place of picturing him being slowly devoured by baby lions, and all was right with the world again.

He calls her Hillary, not Secty. Clinton, so Donald is entirely appropriate. Just because she sounds like she's scolding her idiot nephew when she says his name is purely coincidental, I'm sure.

I'd like her a lot more if she would freakin' enunciate!!! Seriously, you have two Rs in your name, pronounce them when you sing!!! (Apologies if she has a speech impediment, in which case I applaud her efforts. Otherwise, stop being so lazy, Ariana.)

Lazy millenial*, learn German!

"Ok, Google…"
"Ok what?"
"Ok, Google…this is awkward."
"FFS just spit it out!"
"Ok, Google…do you think you could fix me up with Siri?"