Jean Ferretti

I think "Anti-Christ in a custom van" is going to replace "Jesus Christ on a bike" as my new exasperated utterance. I'll let you know how that works out.

"Formal half trousers"? Now you're just making shit up to fuck with me.

Exhibit A as to who crazy this election is. FFS I re-tweeted Charles Fucking Krauthammer the other day!

LOL Dikachu said protip! *giggles maniacally, gets glared at by co-workers, goes back to pretending to work.*

When the President is of your party, you certainly won't be the 'doom and gloom' party…first election?

If we're grading "best" on a sliding scale. (As a person with horrific timing, I feel ya, Uvular.)

What I think is adorable that they are called 'pantsuits' when she wears them and just 'suits' when a man wears one. I guess a woman's 'suit' is with a skirt, 'cuz chicks…amirite?

And if you have the time and are able, help Get Out The Vote!

Faux spoons: see also spork

It would! Someone should get right on that! Wait a minute…are you saying that blue stuff that puts weird combinations of letters at the bottom of my screen are links? What foul magic is this?!?!

Either they changed the picture, or my standards are ridiculously high, because I don't think those girls are cute at all…especially the one with the beard.

I am so sorry for your loss. I love my cats to pieces, but they really are cruel little fuckers - creeping their way into our hearts just to break them. Ah, but the joy…*virtually hugs myluna*

I know I have…my cats are starting to communicate their orders and I am forced to comply. Look at me, look at the window, look at me - up I jump to open the window. I do draw the line at tongue baths, though - I have some pride left, after all!

Michael seemed to imply that cleaning wasn't necessary. I guess, like the sinkhole, it would take care of itself.

I haven't followed football for years, but I do love reading this every week.

"dangle brain"? I've never seen that before, and it almost caused me to spit coffee all over my monitor which would have lead to me explaining to my boss why I was laughing so hard instead of working, and then I would get fired, spending all of my time on the interwebs, encountering phrases like "dangle brain",

Sad upvote.

I was just thinking, it is truly admirable the way these folks have embraced the stereotype of the humorless feminist.

Pfft…I don't have to know how to add, that's what the 10-key is for! However, I do have to know which numbers to punch into the 10-key…that's what separates the professionals from the amateurs.

From what I saw of Jessica Jones, I wouldn't mind getting the full shaft treatment from Luke Cage. *wink wink, nudge nudge*