Jean Ferretti

Upvoted for all the wrong reasons.

Love it! Doctor Gov. Dean getting a bit of his own back.

fuck you both, #repetitivestressdisordersmatter…bunch of tendon-ists!

My office mate just commented that 'they are both such liars', to which I replied 'Donald Trump has his own reality!', which pretty much ended the conversation. I just don't know about some people.

This challenge sounds alcohol-inspired.

Fitting, considering his foreign policy sounds like it fell off a turnip truck.

Pretty sure your husband owes me a coke.

I won, but Lester was in the bag for Hillary and my mic was defective…but I won, believe me!

Upvoted for sluttiness.

Upvoted for better poetry.

I thought she was shaking with laughter…trying to hold it in, I do that sometimes and people think I'm crying. Or she was shimmying with delight.

Lester Holt: Mr. Trump, in July you said…
Donald Trump: No I didn't.
LH: Sir, I have it right here, you said…
DT: I never said that!
LH: You're on record stating…
DT: Never happened, Leonard!
LH: (Sighing) It's Lester.

Delusion ain't just a river in Egypt!

That reminds me of the episode of WKRP In Cincinnati when the station was sponsoring a concert by the punk band named Scum of the Earth.

I got a dolphin, too! Since I got scolded for being too slow on one of the answers, I was expecting a sloth…what can I say, I'm muggle-born.

Again, why wait? Especially now that he's single - hubba hubba!

*getting the fuck out*

A fighter for justice for samurais!

I'm still waiting for Game of Thrones: The Musical