Jean Ferretti

Ugh, so not only am I gender-ist (shut up, it is so a word), but I'm kind of racist. I guess I was putting myself in her shoes, as a girl in the late 60's/early 70's forced to wear a pixie cut because my mom couldn't be bothered to deal with my uber curly hair. That's a lot of years of being called 'a boy' and not

Upvoted and comment since I can only upvote once. *big smile*

Because she's what 11 or so and looking pretty is a thing. Have you never been a pre-teen girl?!? (Sorry, if the answer is 'yes'…also envious, because it kind of sucked for me.)

I'm thinking of emigrating…it'd be nice to have a national leader everyone wants to bone…and by everyone, I mean me (in case I was being too subtle).

I love the story about Furiosa, though. How scary it must've been for this girl to have her head shaved…and, as anyone can attest, Furiosa would agree, Elle is most definitely a bad-ass.

You're thinking of Djimon Hounsou, or Oliver Reed…one of those two, for sure.

How bad does a trailer have to be to be anyone's worse nightmare? 'Cuz I've seen some pretty shitty trailers in my day, just sayin'.

I appreciate that they are putting thought into this. Also, I am unequivocally opposed to shit throwing.

NO! Just because if this is true, we were subjected to an hour of Bai Ling for nothing…and that's too cruel, even for Lost.

Since it is generally accepted (by me) that puberty is when the alien DNA is activated in human youths, and that Elle is in no way an alien, I theorize that Elle's first period results in the utter destruction of Hawkins, when she gets it during the Winter Ball. Mayhem and laughs ensue.

I still believe that each session of Congress should begin with a mandatory viewing of "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington". Any incumbent who feels even a smidge of shame gets to chair a committee.

Jean Harlow and Jack Conway…probably too obscure a director, but damned if everything about the the luminous Ms. Harlow wasn't 'cut short'.

Try clicking on the white arrow. Accessing videos via fucking almost never works.

Bless you.

Ahhh as in "Chew" and not made up word…yep, still, no.


Fuck! I'm laughing so hard I'm crying at my desk! If my boss walks by I'm screwed!

There is asshole, and there is not asshole - there is NO asshole area. Except for Trump Tower, of course.

Yeah, I was gonna go with "Toys In The Attic" myself.

Especially in 2016! *shakes fist at cruel fate*