Jean Ferretti

OMG you're doing it all wrong!!!

It was going to be the name of my autobiography…back to the drawing board.

Thank you, now I can come out of the "I saw paddle boating" closet. I imagine it would make it that much easier to photograph.

aka "Laura's Rape Song" from General Hospital…sorry, wrong thread

Peter Gabriel's "The Rhythm of the Heat" in Miami Vice's episode "Evan"…you just know something REALLY bad is going to happen before it's all over.

"Come Sail Away" by Styx - poor Eric Cartman has to sing the song all the way through, and the other SP kids torturing him…"I'm sailing away…"

OMG They ruined that song for me forever!!! *runs and takes a shower*

I'd have to say, that Person Interest used Cash's cover of "Hurt" to brilliant effect. Just my two cents. (By the way, can I have those back? I'm a little short until payday.)

The Mako was the reason I put ME down for almost a year before picking it up again and finishing it. Every hill was like the little engine that could…until it couldn't.

I won't be playing anything this weekend, as I am actually leaving my house. Pray for me, AV Club!

Calling "click-bait" on GJI? Isn't that redundant? Asking for a friend…

Spoken like a true sharia law-loving Muslim.

Dear Mr. Leto, unless your 'interesting' truth is funnier than our 'perception', you can keep your 'reality' - the internet is all about the lolz.

Says a lot that Jayne isn't the raging dick in your scenario.

Favorite Onion item - It's and oldie but even sweeter with time:

RIP Rowdy Roddy Piper

PBS is also where I was introduced to Monty Python at the tender age of 9…come to think of it, they had topless women sometimes, so BOOBS!

Molokai - it's not just for lepers anymore!

I'm cool with the remake, as long as the homosexual subtext is just plain text this time around. What? I think sweaty dudes having sex is hot, sue me!

In all fairness, there is no guarantee Bieber will be anything resembling relevant at 30.