Jean Ferretti

Or just leave it there…see above re: warm dark place.

#ShowUsYourTaxesBitch ("Bitch" in this case referring to everyone's favorite orange troll doll.)

Whenever I hear the tinny strains of "Pop Goes The Weasel", I always channel my inner Eddie Murphy circa Delirious and start yelling "Ice cream!!!!" I (usually) wait until I get inside before I do the "I got some ice cream, and you don't got none…" song and dance.

A while since I heard a Bare Naked Ladies song?

Mmmmm, Nutella!

Nah, they fired Roger Ailes.

Up voted for making me laugh out loud and get weird looks in the office.

Yeah, he used to be our "local celebrity chef"…you're welcome!

Pfft…if you ever took Smash Mouth seriously, that's on you. They are just meant to be fun, and how can you possibly hate on fun? (Allowances made for the tragically hip, you have my sympathies.)

Sorry, my irony font glitched there lol I was just trying to out-pathos you.

"Just A Girl" got more than *some* play, it was their breakthrough song! And, I would venture, got much more airplay than Spiderwebs. Sadly, I don't recall *ever* hearing "Bathwater" or "Ex-Girlfriend" on the radio.

I'd like to see a twist where Thawne decides to throw a wrench in Barry's plan to right things by refusing to kill Mrs. Allen, thereby forcing Barry to kill his own mom. Double Pathos!!

*Snorts* Harmony has minions?!?


"Sentient Orange Julius" may have just replaced "Orange Hitler" as my go to, as it is less inflammatory and much more refreshing. Plus, I'm not allowed to associate him with Chee-tos anymore, as my aunt says I am ruining that yummy snack for her.

Wasn't his dad arrested at a KKK rally? Or was that a lie that was just plausible enough to be believable? It's so hard to tell with Trump.

Maybe he's like me, and thinks the show is about Elliot, the wacky hacker and his imaginary friend as they have adventures in the magical land of Corpratopia. Fun times are had by all!

There was nothing 'off' to this human's eye about Gavin Rossdale's Balthazar…well, not at first, anyway.

I'm still mad at Meldrick and Falsone - so busy talking about 3 ways that they miss her by the lake! (As insufferable as Falsone was, the man sure could eat a peach.)

"There will be so much fascism, you'll be sick of all the fascism…" Pretty sure I heard this in one of his speeches.