Jean Ferretti

What if you had to go to the bathroom? *Giggles imagining it.*

Fala…but I'm a German infiltrator with Google, so HA!

*smacks squirtloaf with a glove* Ska is NOT novelty music! Take that back, sir, or it's pistols at dawn. Well, not dawn, because I like to sleep in. Oh and not pistols, because too many guns. So, basically….this not-so-strongly worded response is it. I hope you feel properly chastened. Good day!

From what I understand, both Corinthians support him, so there's that.

Chris Cornell makes me thirsty. Figuratively speaking, of course…though, in the literal sense, there is wetness.

But it was high-larious!

And, OMG, have you seen their porn?!?! I mean, I think I may have read something about that somewhere, once, when I was bored…and lonely.

The problems start when tools have access to guns.

Upvoted for mentioning one of my all-time favorite movies!

This doesn't make any sense to me. I was hearing about a Muslim country that wasn't going to allow PokemonGo because Pokemon is based upon evolution. I fear these churches may be misleading people…they just want your Pokemon to feed to their Jesus fish!!!

Too many letters, not enough words - what do MRA and MLA stand for? #oldpeopleproblems

Which phrase - 'willy nilly' or 'free speech'? Choose wisely.

They haven't, I checked.

"Skid marks!"
"Now who's being childish."
I was just cracking up about this yesterday, watching Paddy Considine playing a truly despicable character in Peaky Blinders.

Replying because there just aren't enough 'likes' to give.

"She is a kind of gorgeous that can only be found in or very near rivers." Man, I dream of having 'moving water' beauty - my brand of gorgeous is usually found floating face down in stagnant ponds. Do NOT turn it over, for god's sake!!!

I appreciate the praise, but that's from my AV Club fan fic.

"…incandescent sub-macho guitar dork fury" Somebody has been reading my journals again!

Is your brother single, because I think I'm in love!

Is it Tyra? 'Cuz that's my happy place.