Jean Ferretti

Hope you at least got nominated for a Pulitzer for that one!

Pretty sure that Canary Wharf was taken out in the battle between the Daleks and the Cybermen…no wonder the Brits are anti-alien!

"Bear made it a family." Did it just get dusty in here? Just me?

No, when they opened Clarke's cell door, she ran and the guards had to drug her, she collapsed in Abby's arms.

I heard that James Taylor wore purple shorts and wristbands at his show in NC last night, and performed "Purple Rain".

As a teen aged girl in the suburbs, listening to "I Want to be Your Lover" and believing the singer was a girl, seeing Prince on American Bandstand was mind-blowing. He was so soft spoken, deferring to Andre when Dick Clark asked follow-up questions. Besides the considerable musical talent, what Prince meant most to