
Yes, your ‘facts’ about Trump that do nothing to dispel the notion that he is a petty, gross, vindictive, person (a notion supported by essentially every piece of information ever published about him). But you know, just because Clinton would have been bad about some things, that must mean that enh, it’s fine if Trump

Your Trump apologetics genuinely, literally make me want to throw up.

I, for one, welcome our new orange overlord.

When the President of the United states is a thin skinned vindictive creature, if you said anything mean about Trump you better start tap dancing or he’s going to come get you. He has a list of everyone who was mean to him. This President gathered the nations journalist to talk about how he doesn’t like the pictures

Everyone should already be freaking out about privacy concerns and data mining. Google is as valuable as Apple and they give 95% of their services away for free.

I disagree. Everyone would be freaking out about privacy concerns and data mining.

These companies could save so much money just working together instead of duplicating efforts. It just seems so wasteful...

I’m all for surrendering to Apple’s ecosystem, but Apple Maps is the one thing that I just can’t get behind. It bothers me that I have Google Maps installed on my iPhone, but it just works so much better.

I haven’t used it Apple Maps since it launched, and I get all bent out of shape when Apple launches Apple Maps

The irony that he wants to limit freedom of speech on the internet when that freedom of speech on the internet basically got him elected is not lost on me. Though probably on him.

Considering his propensity for historical revisionism, this is probably a prudent step.

“We have to talk to them about, maybe in certain areas, closing that internet up in some way.”

Donald Trump is a dangerous buffoon

“Cuck” seems to be on of the alt-right’s new buzzwords, rooted in their image of anything which doesn’t confirm to their hyper-macho anti-intellectualism as “submissive”.

In reality, it’s a useful indicator for publicly identifying people as human pieces of $hit.

10:15PM Shit, it was a proprietary pipe fitting that broke and they have to make a new one rather than running to home depot to buy a new one.

Breaking News! Next on the 10PM news! Apple connected a water pipe!

CSB: my company has a large campus, and during construction there was a big temporary pile of dirt.

Security through obscurity is not security.

That’s a flawed belief. There’s plenty of exploitable bugs in MacOS, including privilege escalation exploits, and anything being UNIX-based is not in of itself security, or an advantage. Apple is also slower at issuing fixes to its software than Microsoft, and does so far more infrequently.

MacOSX is a magic operating system designed and coded by unicorns and elves, and protected by awesome and powerful guardian spirits. Nothing can harm MacOSX and if you buy an Apple product, and replace it every time a new version comes out, you will be guaranteed to live to 150 years old.