
You don’t own your phone, and all-knowing Apple knows what’s best for you. (Or so Apple tends to think.)

Apple is actively hostile to consumers, and this is yet another example of how. Nobody should support that shitty company and their shitty dictatorial policies.


I used to love MBP’s in 2010. But this kind of jumping-through-hoops just to make your “pro” laptop usable is insulting.

There’s an ironic joke in there somewhere but I’m too tired to find it.

TLDR - Author forgot to include anything made by Apple.

When you first boot up the TV app, it’ll automatically scan your device for compatible apps. Right now, the list of apps is pretty small, but it’ll hopefully grow over time.

If you bring it in they will often replace it, especially if you’ve got AppleCare. The individual service is fantastic, no question.

Apple’s response to any issue is always ignore, ignore, ignore, shhhhh, maybe slip out a software fix that mitigates the problem. That they’re actually acknowledging this means it’s not a small number of devices.

I have an iphone 5s and I’m getting the “phone dies when it’s cold and my battery reaches 20%” issue. In fact, this is a replacement phone which I got under warranty for the exact same reason. Unfortunately, the replacement warranty is only valid for 3 months, which have now transpired.

I got into an argument with my spouse this weekend about whether now was the time to stand and fight, or not. I’m of the opinion that the time to stand and fight was about 35 years ago. It was a long, hard fight, but the good guys lost. Nothing left to do but hug the kids, hope no harm comes to them directly, pop some

I agree with your room-mate. Americans take this notion of “no limits to free speech” WAAAAY to fucking far. It’s the reason your country is a dumpster fire that is divided on nearly every issue that much of the rest of the world has already figured out. You don’t have any consequences for the people who are

Apple has had their fare share of incendiary incidents. Stop drinking the Apple juice.

Oh fuck no! Any CrApple self driving car needs to be HEAVILY regulated.

Government regulations are necessary, but also a pain in the ass.

letsee... no place to plug in anything... that much checks out

That “Apple Car” rendering needs to die already... Someone come up with something better. Photoshops will be gladly accepted.

Newsflash; people who can’t tell they’ve been conned surprised when it turns out they’ve been conned.

I’ll never use OSX again.

I found myself in the position where i had to use an 27" iMac (16gb RAM, dedicated graphics, i7 Processor) for a few months. The first two months, i was trying to give it a chance. I had to wait about 30 seconds to launch my browser if it wasn’t already running. 4 minutes for Adobe

Switch to Mac and stick your head in the sand