
Most likely windows specific because of market saturation, but there’s no reason why mac would be immune to the same tactics. Same idea applies. Don’t open image files that have unrecognizable file extensions.

Are the people at facebook just super arrogant about their coding that they deny every flaw and vulernability or any culpability to anything?

Correction: The American people lost the election because too many so-called progressives were too fucking lazy or idealistic to vote.

Biggest argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter.

Also; J. Edgar Hoover wasn’t a cross-dresser and Catherine The Great didn’t die fucking a horse.

You missed the most important one: don’t leave it sitting around in administrative mode. Your visiting grandkids & nieces & nephews will gladly download a host of “free” games and leave you with a computer that’s infected like a zombie. Their parents will assure you that “the game they want” is safe, then later

Step 6: Place laptop in a vault

6. Unplug it and hide the battery and power supply.

Yeah, I had a 4s, 6 and a 6s die from rain exposure... being submerged would definitely be a *bit* more damaging...

I know someone who dropped their iPhone on a table top (less than 2' drop distance) and the screen cracked like someone hit it with a hammer. It was fairly hilarious as he was the only engineer in the room that used an iPhone. For comparison, I’ve had my Galaxy Note 2 for 4 years now, I’ve dropped it, soaked it, and

Comes across as undeserved self praise.

This story is completely made up and utter Bullshit.

“It never ceases to amaze us, all the incredible iPhone survival stories our customers have shared with us,”

“The throwing in a bowl full of rice to absorb the water is myth.”

Now playing

The throwing in a bowl full of rice to absorb the water is myth. Don’t feed the ignorance.

Ooh ooh please everyone let’s show and tell!

Well, we’re going to export 4 years of our stupidity to the world, why not black friday too.

Every time I see those, I think of these.  

The one on the left looks kind of like the groomer I use to shave my balls.

Unfortunately a big enough portion of the population is aggressively, pridefully stupid when it comes to science.