
I saw commercial for the Durango Hellcat that said, “Forget everything you know about performance SUVs!” So I did. And it was a load off my mind.

Qanon warned us about the danger of groomers.

When to call it quits and call in an expert, not just keep pushing blindly on.

At the beginning of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, there was a very real concern that mistakes on the part of the US and NATO could lead to escalation and potentially WWIII. At the time, there was a consensus among the more experienced and competent foreign policy experts that the ideal resolution would be giving

The Polestar V60 starts at $67,300 but factor in the tax credit it’s much closer to $60k. But I think the “regular” S60 T8 is an awesome deal for the price.

yes--they are only there to reduce insurance costs.  :)

that would be a 2+2 and it just barely squeaks by in this guy’s nazi-like definition of a sports car

And let’s not overlook what the ‘antifa’ word means and where it came from... it comes from being “Anti Fascist” as well as “Anti Racist” and has its roots going back to the 1930s in Germany that involved opposing Nazis.”

Can confirm. SeaSonic doesn’t fuck around, even their lower priced stuff is high quality. And to the main point. Never... NEVER cheap out on the PSU. When they fail, they often take out other components with them.... and no one wants that headache.  

*mentally adds Gigabyte to my “never again” list.

There are three phases of “dream car ownership” for men.

Can’t argue that. But this happened in the early ‘80s and my AMT Backup was state-of-the-art in concealable stopping power at the time.

I’d rather we ditch cities.

New buyers... Ask yourselves...

people were crying, praying, puking and peeing themselves.

An engineering manager I long ago worked for hypothesized there is actually only one tablespoon of neverseize in the whole world.  I just keeps getting spread around thinner and thinner.  

Forget how well it does at keeping nuts from seizing, I want to know how hard it is to clean. I get a single drop on the tip of my pinky finger and an hour later I look like the Tin Man. Then months later, I pick up a sock that happened to be the garage at the time of my adventures in Oz and I end up repeating my

So, how do you attempt to go about solving problems?