
For the prices these things command, you could purchase a new sports/sporty car and embarrass it in every measurable performance metric......with a warranty. Mustang GT, Camaro SS, Corvette GS, 370Z, STI, Focus RS, C63 Coupe, RS4, M2 Coupe, etc, etc, etc.

I design welded equipment (ASME Section III, NB & NF) at my current workplace, and I think a lot of people would be surprised at how much load a properly applied weld can take, even one of a relatively small nominal size. Just for example, 20 inches of only an 1/8" bead can take ~37 kips in shear. The vacuum

I’m surprised no one has recommended a used Ford Flex Ecoboost. It doesn’t hit his manual requirement, but neither does the BMW, and it makes up for it with surprising quickness for its size, plus utility second only to a minivan.

Height is not the defining factor between being classified as a wagon and a CUV. Keep in mind, even at the same height, the Outback is also 9" longer than the CRV, and has 1.5" more ground clearance. That alters the shape significantly.

I feel like calling it a “worldbeater” is being generous. It was a competitive Sporty/GT car of its day with a really stout engine. It feels like it’s becoming a victim of its own mythos.

I’m not cheap, but I am reasonable.

You rang?

I’m going to have to disagree. I was a fan of Southwest before, but they cancelled all flights leaving Philadelphia 2 weeks ago “due to weather” (and was practically the only airline that did) and royally fucked my weekend plans, and offered zero assistance beyond a refund.

My rule of thumb is, if I estimate that the door would close fully before they reach it (based on door ‘weight’, distance, walking speed, etc), I feel I am under no moral or ethical obligation to hold it open for them.

If the CT6 is anything like my father-in-law’s CTS, it has more than a ‘little’ black plastic. The center dash is a horrific mass of it.

“You done goofed! Consequences will never be the same!”

Do you really have to live IN the city to enjoy those things? I like to visit every once in a while, enjoy some of the items on your list, and then enjoy heading home to a place with fresh air, lower population density, and reasonable cost of living.

The Lancer wasn’t their only product, and they already fucked up and diluted their other strong brands. The Lancer and the Montero are the only ones left worth anything.

Something that has never built widespread goodwill for an automotive brand ever.

Those are parts that matter most if you view a car as an appliance, and your only goal is to get from A to B as cheaply as possible, comfort be damned. And even then, I would have concerns about resale value negatively affecting cost of ownership, though I guess it’d be moot point if you plan to drive the car into the

Mitsubishi makes other “Evos.”

Reliability through feature-delete. Get rid of enough nice stuff, and there will be practically nothing to break.

Yes, the base Lancer is good. The interior IS quite plain and feels cheap but the car performs well. A little improvement here would have been a huge help, but it’s been 10 years virtually unchanged.