
Right, but did it do anything better than a Civic or Corolla? All it had going for it was that obscenely long warranty. And the fact that Mitsubishi would finance anyone with a heartbeat.

While the good-feelings for Mitsubishi were mostly concentrated around the Evo, no one I knew ever referred to it as a Lancer except as an insult. The tie between repurposing the Lancer name and sullying the Evo name is tenuous, and a bit of a stretch.

It was a useless hatch though from a utility standpoint. It had only trivially more cargo room than the sedan, if I recall correctly.

I imagine it’s lost due to an inherently less ‘breathable’ head design. I remember someone posting charts of the flow issue for OHV engines a year or two ago, but I can’t find them now.

All other things don’t need to be equal. As my old boss used to say, it’s what comes out of the pipe that matters.

The M2 is in the right price range, but it doesn’t offer quite the same bang-for-your-buck from a performance perspective. It may make up for it in other areas.

Land Cruiser sells for significantly more than $50k, Toyota badge notwithstanding.

What I can’t believe is how much the prices have increased since I bought mine. I got a ‘13 STI hatch, factory ordered, for somewhere around $35k, including all fees. The hatch was $2000 more than the sedan at the time, if I recall correctly.

Porsche’s ‘prestige’ was significantly diluted when they started offering base-model inline-4 CUV’s to upper-middle class suburban moms to cart their obnoxious spawn to the local Montessori school. They may still be slightly more prestigious than Mercedes, but the difference is not akin to the gulf that exists between

Good points. Alternative suggestion: Use the 2.0 WRX engine, detune to around 200-220hp (less than your requested 15%, but bear with me), but also have 200-220ft-lbs of torque instead of the ~150 it currently comes with, or the ~170 you’d probably get from the larger engine. Beefier components (brakes, halfshafts, cv

The 260hp, 277lb-ft 2.4L turbo from the new Ascent sounds like it would be just peachy, if they could fit it in. It’d change the character of the car, to be sure, but you wouldn’t have to wind it out so much to get decent acceleration either.

“He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee.”

I agree with your premise, but not your conclusion. Yes, something needs to be done about access to firearms by people who would misuse them. But actions taken with indifference to consequences, unintended or otherwise, can often cause more harm than good.

You could argue that neither was this vehicle, in hindsight.

I will take action - any action - over fatalism.

“First autonomous car to kill someone is a Volvo.”

It’s always best to call ahead and make an appointment for the test drive for cars like the STI. Worked perfectly for me, even with the clear understanding that I wasn’t going to be buying the test-driven car (was a sedan, I wanted a hatchback).

Which is ironic, as Toyota owns a substantial stake in Fuji Heavy/Subaru Corp.

What does a 600hp Supra and a 1200hp Supra have in common?

Everything is available for a price. How fast do you want to go?