
You keep saying that, but repeating the same thing over and over again does not make it true. I’ve given you several reasons why it will. If you want to close your eyes, put your hands over your ears, and go “lalalalala” to drown out reality, that’s your prerogative. But I’ll be first in line to say “I told you so”.

This. Every time.

Sorry, I phrased it wrong. You are correct about the symmetrical bit.

Maybe I’m in the minority, but I love this thing as-is. I generally don’t even like Ferraris, but this one is funky as hell while simultaneously somewhat practical, relatively.

I believe Subaru began dropping the rear LSD on the manual models back in 2008, starting with the WRX. The only one that still has a rear LSD is the STI.

The symmetrical AWD is 50:50 left to right, not front to back. The new CVT-based Subaru’s are heavily FWD-biased to aid in fuel economy, similar to Haldex systems. The only ones that aren’t are the manuals.

And what you don’t understand is that the government should not and likely won’t get involved. Can you imagine the pushback from constituents? Think of the headlines: “Congress wants to pass law to make your car kill you!” It doesn’t matter whether it’s the truth or not, what politician in their right mind would vote

Liberals: You should make movies based on people of color (POC)!
*Disney makes movie centered around POC*
*Disney produces costume based on said POC*
Liberals: Blackface!
*Disney removes brown coloring on costume*
Liberals: Whitewashing!
*Disney simplifies costume, removing all offensive content*
Liberals: Cultural

I’m not sure where you got the impression that car companies are benevolent entities, or give two shits about anyone who isn’t a customer. You saying that they ‘have to’ does not make it so. They won’t, because they know that if Company A prioritizes the customer, and Company B prioritizes everyone else, who the hell

I remember reading somewhere that that 3rd Gen eclipse platform was either based on or a modified version of the 3000GT platform(s). I know they used the same 6G72 engine......

You make fair and persuasive points, but it’s hard to say in terms of liability. Even now, with a human driver, if a car makes an evasive maneuver and ends up injuring or killing an uninvolved pedestrian, who is liable (assuming they didn’t cause the need for the evasive maneuver in the first place)? Would a

Disagree. If we assume that autonomous cars will be either perfect drivers, or near as makes no difference to that, the liability will likely lie with the people that put the car into the situation where it had to make that decision in the first place.

The car should seek to minimize loss of life, but prioritize the life of the occupants. If the only two options are to either crash into a family of 6 that darted out into the street without looking, or to hit a telephone pole & possibly injure/kill the occupants, it should hit the pedestrians.

I was wondering to myself how much mechanical and electrical hardware the two actually share. They apparently aren’t on the same platform, if wikipedia is to be trusted, not that the Jetta/Golf platform is a beacon of reliability.

The new cars are good looking, but I’m not sold on their strategy of throwing a 4-cylinder in absolutely everything. My experience has been, from driving several loaners with the same engine, that they lack the smoothness and low-rpm torque that the T6 in my XC70 has.

I had a GR STI, can confirm, terrible ride quality. Felt like the suspension was bolted to my spine.

I made that same shit decision, realized in hindsight, except I made it in spades by purchasing a STI. Better seats than the WRX, but completely and overwhelmingly offset by the harsher and more punishing suspension. It was awful trying to daily drive on crappy New England roads, and even worse attempting to take it

It all depends on what you’re making. Assembly and low-precision parts (we use ‘lugnuts’ as the general term)? Sure, they’re great for that. High-precision parts that require the operator to actually give-a-crap about what they’re making? Not so much.

One of the things I don’t miss about owning a STI was the WRX/STI crowd. Between the stancing, unnecessarily-loud exhausts, look-down-on-you-if-you-leave-it-stock attitude, and just general immaturity, I couldn’t relate and didn’t really want to be associated with that group. It didn’t force the decision to move to

Point taken. I didn’t realize that there existed something that ASTM/ANSI/ASME didn’t have a standard for. So what you’re saying is each individual company will have their own internal set of standards that this stuff has to conform to (i.e. Raytheon, GE, etc)?