
This truck’s actual utility is informing those around you that you are a d-bag. 

Lincoln Blackwood. Ford started with a perfectly good pickup truck and made it both infinitely worse and more expensive!

I think it will come to if all 8 smelled, how bad it was, and if there were other passengers that also smelled but didn’t get kicked off.


Yes, there is a reason. It’s that other car makers distribute their sales over many, many more models than Tesla does. Even among BEVs.

I think their quality control issues alone would disqualify them from being the BEST. Add on their stale, dated 10 year old lineup or the complications they face to actually launching new vehicles like the Cybertruck which they can’t release faster than its reputation is deteriorating or their irrational business

Lexus.  Like Toyota only fancier, more comfortable, more reliable, etc.  There are more layers of corrosion protection, paint and clearcoat than what you find on other manufacturers (find a 20 year old Lexus and just try to find rust on the body).  They run for decades longer than other cars, again, go take a 20 year

I distinctly remember a review of the Ion that asked if GM had even test-driven their competition. 

To make this thread interesting, should have put “not a Tesla” in the question line.

Is this the reason that BMW drivers never use their turn signals?

Luckily with the leak occurring in Galveston Bay, the spilled oil improved the overall water quality.

Sigh.... If only something like that happened in the air.... with him in it.

1980 Cadillac Seville Elegante Diesel

Another cool car I’ll never afford.

This comment needs all of the stars.  The cognitive dissonance alone in alleged physician Sean Hollonbeck should be enough to melt anyone’s brain.

“Sean Hollonbeck forced the driver out of the car and onto the ground and has since been charged with false imprisonment and aggravated assault with a weapon”

“In this country, you’re innocent until proven guilty” which is why I pulled a gun on an innocent man until he proved he wasn’t guilty. Flawless victory.

Offroading attracts a lot of wealthy people who like to cosplay as blue collar.

Ties like these should just go to the person on the outside because they technically took the longer race line, so they are faster