
I saw a comment somewhere else describing the GT-R as having an “old-school feel” to how it drives. That really speaks to how much the industry has changed in 15 years, because for the first several years of its existence the GT-R was the posterboy for horrific, numb, computer-controlled, total disengagement from

Editor works for Thedrive now

18 seconds faster than a McLaren Senna on a 2.5-3 min course set off all sorts of flags. Which editor approved this lol


What could be more Saudi Prince than scrapping an entire plane because the guy they originally ordered it from died before the extensive interior remodeling could be completed? “What, you expect me to fly on HIS plane? A hand-me-down?? What am I, Egyptian???

I want to have sex with that car....what!?

Didn’t take long for one to come out.

Is the plan to buy your competitors at overvalued prices and tank them too?

A Chinese accent? You’re a racist moron. 

ID Space Vizzion R pls

A new car in the teens?  Which decade did you time-warp back to?

Haha I voted for Biden and Hillary and would do it again. 

Isn’t the byline of this site Drive Free or Die? Controlling the freedom of movement of Americans is pretty relevant to that interest.

It fun when the desire for small government requires more government. 

Strange that all these conservatives complain about Muslims and how they treat women, are the same ones who want to treat women the same here.

What would a travel ban even look like?”

I’ll just say it. I hope Alito, Thomas, and for good measure, Kavanaugh just die soon and human beings are appointed to the seats they left vacant.