Because a lot of people will still care more about the “premium” status of a Cadillac vs the “lesser” Buick.
Because a lot of people will still care more about the “premium” status of a Cadillac vs the “lesser” Buick.
Why redesign the wheel?
I don’t care that my Fedex package is all ruined, I’d be glad to see the driver pull a sick drift when arriving at my place.
For 2M, the Regera is a much, much better deal.
You can always blame it on “unintended acceleration” on a lesser vehicle.
30k is well into Lexus/Inifiniti/Acura CPO territory, and you’ll definitely be getting a LOT more car for the buck.
God, all of those Need For Speed 3: Hot pursuit and NFS4 memories coming back now...
I’m from hispanic descent and my mother and both grandmothers would not hesitate to correct my little-shit/teenager antics.
If I had pulled this bullshit on my mother, I’d be praying for a life sentence without the possibility of parole.
This one is my favorite one:
It’s likely that Stem Cell therapy is considered experimental (and thus, not covered by insurance). I suffer from an eye condition called Keratoconus and I had to pay for a procedure I need out of pocket since the procedure just recently got FDA approval (and insurance companies drag their feet to add new and…
A Volvo? Am I supposed to ride alongside the plebeian drivers? *drops monocle in disgust*
Hey, if you’re gonna wait on the side of the road for a tow truck, better do it in style.
The secret for the Cadenza/K900/Azera? Buy a 2 year old CPO. You’ll pay less than 2/3 sticker.
$375 in Downtown Brooklyn, mate.
From what I can gather, you got an awesome deal on a nice car that is still an awesome highway cruiser. You won.
Sacre bleu!
Gave me a good chuckle. Have a star.
If you’re hoping for the presidency one day get ready, Governor. Just ask Pres. Obama how “mean” people can get.