
The dream of the 90s is alive at Hot Topic?

holy crap that sounds like a nightmare!!

I would not want to eat at Chili's unless thoroughly vaccinated against communicable diseases.

No I totally agree. It stinks but this happens all over the place, not just in fast food.

One of those was actually my favorite job I've ever had. I was passionate about what I was doing but I wasn't making enough money to live on (which is why I had to leave it) and when I couldn't get the work done in the time allotted I felt like it was my failing for not being fast enough. My current job is much the

Not remotely shocked. I've worked in several jobs in retail and kitchen service where breaks are just a "LOL right like that is a thing that happens" joke, and there's 8.5 hours you're allowed to clock but 10-11 hours of work to do, and you're not allowed to go over 40 hours, so you just clock out when you're about


Or go to the kid who's raising angoras and making sweaters for a 4H project!

I always identified hugely with Amy - introducing her as a little girl wishing for a magic savior to come into her life, and then waiting for him to appear again, was just the perfect way to hook me in and make me love her and sympathize with her, and to love the Doctor as she saw him. To me she was a mystery to the

and for god's sake at least beat the wet ingredients before you add the dry!!

oh god she's doing it so wrong, so very wrong, the dough is full of this baker's tears

holy crap. I thought I only liked him with the Sherlock hair, but this is magical...

Holy shit I forgot about the About a Boy TV show. :[ Don't wanna.

in addition to, uh , everything, did they somehow miss this already being a thing?

Ugh. I hate this! I'm always hoping for a new and better form of birth control to come out (for men or women) but apparently there is no trusting that anything is safe especially when it's new. I'm on the pill even though I'm not supposed to be because I have an even higher risk of stroke since I get migraines with

oh whoa wtf?

I saw Wyatt Cenac one time! But that's the end of my list.

I'M SO JELLY. I can see NYC from my house (no really) but I never go here cause I'm lazy and hate public transportation. But then I see these pictures of people in Time Square and think WHY WASN'T I NOTIFIED?! Mr. Ivy knows Orli was my first love...

I have to tell myself these things could never happen or I would live my life in terror. I "joke" that I would immediately off myself if something happened to my husband, but I'm not joking at all. Can't even contemplate how horrible this is.

No no no no, oh my god I can't even comprehend how horrible this is. I just can't. This poor woman.