
I mean... I hate Clara, but that is stupid.

full disclosure: I hated most of the first half and after watching like the first 3 or 4 of the second half I just stopped. 2 years ago I was a screaming rabid fan and I don't let go of things lightly so that is saying something. I did watch Hide and you're right, it was good. I'm generalizing. I don't actually


At least Doctor Who has (had) some decent female characters. This last season was just trash though, especially the second half. Granted I haven't watched the finale yet (no spoilers!!) and I know River's there so that's gotta be an improvement.

ooh, yuck. people are idiots. I mean, my guy is an American-born Indian so that shielded us from those comments I guess, but.. that is outrageously rude.

Yeah, Netflix doesn't have any Shyamalan I think - except his Avatar travesty. But it's worth a rental!

Well I'm biased, but it totally doesn't suck!!! If you don't expect it to be scary, cause it's not. The monsters are silly but they're an afterthought, really. It's about love and human nature and the sacrifices that are made striving for utopia, and whether they're worth it. The art direction is absolutely

isn't it the best?!

It definitely doesn't hurt, once you get him talking, to express in a positive way that you know you communicate differently and you want to work on understanding each other better and make sure you support each other in the right ways. Tell him the things that you really want, like making an effort to talk about

Reading over your explanation I have totally been there with my husband - classic introvert/extrovert problems. We rarely have fights but when we do it's always something that's been building up forever and it's finally had to completely blow up for him to openly communicate about it. And when I finally get him to

I worked there over the holidays. I cannot tell you how painful it was to lose that 50% discount!!

I've used several kinds, but I am a big fan of Lush's. It comes in like a giant chocolate bar shape with lots of good creamy stuff already mixed in, instead of a straight-up powder. You can always try it on the tips of your hair before you get it cut or something - and then give it a few days before you decide if

I married an Indian guy and I'm a European whitey mutt. We have weirdly had like, no comments on it whatsoever in the entire length of our relationship except for people asking me about cool Indian cultural stuff. I'm sure my older family members had some grumbling amongst themselves but they kept it away from our

More thoughts: Joe Hisaishi is the composer for all of Miyazaki's movies and those scores are LIKE WOW in the feels. Try Rokubanme No Eki on the Spirited Away score for a taste.

Also a fan of Tan Dun for all those fancy Chinese period pieces: Crouching Tiger, Hero, etc.

I'll probably keep thinking of more, haha.

I am crazy in love with it. And I hate zombies!

YES I DO! Well, I did. My college gaming group has dispersed around the country and it makes me sad. I'm also a crazy cat lady! Two thumbs up for you my friend!

American Gods is one of my favorite books of all time. Anansi Boys is very similar but more lighthearted. Honestly you can't go wrong with Neil Gaiman.

James Newton Howard is one of the most criminally underrated composers out there. His best scores, in my opinion, are for two movies I adore but I'm sure to get a lot of hate for: The Village and Lady in the Water. I am no longer a Shyamalan apologist since he ruined Avatar, but those movies are beautiful, dammit,

This isn't too weird, but I adore henna. Not only does it make my mousy-brown with blondish highlights hair turn darker brown with bright red highlights in the sun, but it makes it feel so soft and healthy! My hair is prone to dry crunchy bird's nest-ness, but also very thin so conditioners tend to be a pain in the

As other people have said: Kitchenaid stand mixers and rice cookers are seriously the best. Also, on the cheaper side: a citrus reamer, a variety of shapes and styles of whisks and rubber spatulas, and if you like making bread from scratch, a bench knife. I also love having a food processor, because for a long time