
Good point! Also if he persists in being flirty after that I don't have to feel bad for being bitchy to him cause he'll deserve it.

I get so uncomfortable when I receive even the most polite male attention. I was an unknown nerd in high school and never had to deal with someone being interested in me, until my husband who I was already friends with, so I never learned how to flirt. So now when a man talks to me with obvious flirtatious intent I

right? Thanks, TV! You're doing your part.

I can't decide if I think this is OK or not... sounds like the patient is really wrecking her day and ruining things for other patients, and it's not as if she called her out by name. I guess what's weird is that anyone has a completely public facebook feed??? Why would you do that?!

It is AMAZING! And it's on Neflix instant watch! If you're not super jazzed about the first couple episodes stick with it, because it grows immensely in awesomeness as it goes on. Season 3 is my favorite.

*blush* well thank you!! I've been unemployed for the better part of 6 months and that gets one to feeling like they can't do anything, so compliment sincerely appreciated!!

I watched that with my husband on 10x speed so it was over in a few minutes, and I think I still got the full impact of what an atrocity it was

That's the kind of interview I did today! You should open a bakery someday. That is the best plan.

I saw a production with an Asian Cosette! I have to say though, I loved Eddie Redmayne in the movie. His Empty Chairs at Empty Tables made me cry too.

you are awesome.

Yeah I totally know what you mean. Also, I'm a huge Bollywood fan, and India is CHOCK FULL of gorgeous talented people, most of whom speak perfect English, who they could easily tap for Hollywood roles. I did see Amitabh Bacchan is going to be in the Great Gatsby though!

Thanks!! I am really psyched. And that sounds like an awesome idea! My life dream is to open a tea shop/cafe/bakery where I also sell prints (I was an illustration major) so I can now accumulate some more skills to prepare for my mid-life crisis :)

I am horrible at waking up early but I'm gonna give it a shot. It's a 6 month commitment and I'm young(ish?) so I have to suck it up and make it work to take advantage of this opportunity! And yes, I'm SO excited to learn everything!!!

hippyelfchick.blogspot.com :)

That sounds terrible :( I can't imagine being separated from my guy for anything, but I have a friend who picked up and moved across the country to find a teaching job after getting her PhD - seems like that's the way that market is now. I really hope you can figure something out and stay together!

After a lifetime of loving baking but not having a formal culinary education or job experience to back up my skills, I just landed a job as an assistant baker at a really sweet bakery!! It's low pay and brutal (4am) hours, but I'm still so excited to finally have a job doing something I love!! And get way more

So true. I thought after the initial sting of the casting and hearing how shitty it was had worn off (I didn't see it after it came out) I could hate-watch it on Netflix and find it mildly amusing, but no, it was just SO AWFUL IN EVERY WAY!

I know this is focusing on theater but it's just as much of a problem in movies and maybe only marginally less so in TV. I am still REALLY pissed about Avatar (or the Last Airbender as they called it) but at least no good Asian actors had to sully their resumes with that garbage. Well, except the Indian actors.

Has anyone seen Melancholia? I've had dreams for years that are like the second half of that movie. Just enormous planet(s) swallowing up the sky - beautiful and terrifying. They don't (spoilers!) crash into the earth though.

Ugh, I know, I feel the same way. When I saw the unexpected cat I was tempted to bail on the movie because, having seen the other version, I knew nothing warm and fuzzy could be occurring here.