
Over a million people read this in a 12 hour period. That must be satisfying. I hope you find the actors and demand some credit for making them famous. I would.

Comparing unsuccesful austerity measures in other countries to our debt (which spiked in late 2008, at the time the bubble of Bush's false economic boom finally burst, combined with annual tax cuts throughout his entire presidency, all strapped to back of two costly, elective wars of his and his cohort's choosing) is

That's true! And it's weird because they're all certified economic theorists, just like their red meat throwing handlers.

Too many.

More likely a Tea Partier.

Passing a baton would be a smart change.

The new global economy is fraught with unintended consequences. And dickheads.

Hail Mary's Back Door Man

Oh, the Aristocrats dangling punchline I had all typed up before I chickened out and went with this.

Nice work!

Here it is, and bring me back some onions. I don't need to remind you how I like them, right? Don't fuck it up.

This, blended, deserves to be codified. Why must secularists be forced to lead?

Was speaking figuratively, sorry- carry on.

Yo! That is the answer that works.

This works either way- love it!

So, put 'em to the sword? I do feel somewhat sick of taking the high road- but violence begets same. Why are the victims forced to be put on their back foot when the other shoe drops? Bit of a John Brown complex here, full disclosure- sees eye-to-eye with an eye for an eye, while knowing better, really. Very

How fucking awful. But, I bring good? news:

That's depressingly great. How soon until witnesses are chanting some sort of justifiable "Paul Blart" protest rhyme.

Are those the lyrics to the Slayer song in the video above? 'Cos I could easily see them coming from that Hessian tabby's journal.

Double-Aught'a-not ever pull that embarrassing shit again.